EANS-News: RHI AG / Employee stock ownership scheme 4 plus 1 (share buyback)
Geschrieben am 28-10-2015 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Disclosure in accordance with § 65 para. 1 (4) of the Stock
Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with §§ 2, 4 and 5 of the
Disclosure Regulation 2002
With a resolution of the 36th Annual General Meeting of RHI AG on May
8, 2015, the company was authorized to acquire treasury shares in
accordance with § 65 para. 1 (4) AktG of a total of up to 12,000
(twelve thousand) non-par shares, which is equivalent to
approximately 0.03% (zero point zero three percent) of the share
capital of the company, at the share price on the day of exercising
the authorization to issue to employees and executives of the company
as well as members of the management, executives and employees of
subsidiaries of the company within the continuation of the "employee
stock ownership scheme 4+1". The authorization to acquire such shares
will be valid for 30 (thirty) months from the day of the adoption of
the resolution.
On October 27, 2015, the Management Board adopted the decision to buy
back treasury shares up to a maximum amount of 12,000 (twelve
thousand) shares, corresponding to the monthly extent of the
purchases by employees and executives of the company as well as
members of the management, executives and employees of subsidiaries
of the company, and to make them available ( "to sell") to the
above-mentioned group of persons within the "employee stock ownership
scheme 4+1" as "bonus shares". The company gives the above-mentioned
group of persons one "bonus share" for every 4 (four) shares of the
company they have purchased as part of the "employee stock ownership
scheme 4 + 1".
By means of this disclosure, the resolution of the Management Board
is published and the intended free of charge transfer ("sale") of
treasury shares to the employees and executives of the company and
the members of the management, executives and employees of
subsidiaries is announced.
The resolution adopted on May 8, 2015 regarding the authorization by
the Annual General Meeting was published in the Official Gazette
(Amtsblatt zur Wiener Zeitung) on May 12, 2015.
The share buyback program begins on November 20, 2015 and will end at
the latest with the expiry of the day on November 8, 2017.
The share buyback program refers to non-par bearer shares of the
The intended volume of the buyback of shares amounts to a maximum of
12,000 (twelve thousand) shares, which corresponds to a maximum of
0.03% (zero point zero three percent) of the share capital of the
The consideration to be paid per share shall be no higher and no
lower than the share price on the stock exchange on the day of
exercising the authorization.
The type of buyback is an acquisition of shares via the stock
exchange for the purpose of issuing the shares to employees and
executives of the company as well as members of the management,
executives and employees of subsidiaries within the "employee stock
option scheme 4+1".
The share buyback program will have no effect on the listing of the
shares of the company.
The company intends, in accordance with § 5 para. 4 of the Disclosure
Regulation 2002 (VeröffentlichungsV 2002), to fulfill the disclosure
obligations in accordance with §§ 6 and 7 of the Disclosure
Regulation 2002 by publishing the information on the website of the
company in the Internet (www.rhi-ag.com).
Further inquiry note:
Investor Relations
Mag. Simon Kuchelbacher
Tel: +43-1-50213-6676
Email: simon.kuchelbacher@rhi-ag.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: RHI AG
Wienerbergstrasse 9
A-1100 Wien
phone: +43 (0)50213-6676
FAX: +43 (0)50213-6130
mail: rhi@rhi-ag.com
WWW: http://www.rhi-ag.com
sector: Refractories
ISIN: AT0000676903
indexes: ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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Corporate News übermittelt durch euro adhoc. Für den Inhalt ist der
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Veröffentlichung gemäß § 65 Abs. 1 Ziff. 4 AktG iVm §§ 2, 4 und 5 der
Veröffentlichungsverordnung 2002
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