EANS-News: S&T AG: substantial growth in the third quarter
Geschrieben am 04-11-2015 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Subtitle: - Sales up 28% in third quarter to EUR 114.2 million (PY.:
EUR 88.8 million) - Sales for first nine months of 2015 increase to
EUR 302.4 million (PY.: EUR 253.6 million) - Nine months' gross
margins at 34.7% (PY.: 33.5%) - Consolidated income for first three
quarters jumps 23% to EUR 9.1 million (PY.: EUR 7.4 million)
9-month report
Linz. 04.11.2015. S&T AG (www.snt.at) stepped up its growth in the
first nine months of financial year 2015. Its sales came in the third
quarter of 2015 to EUR 114.2 million (PY.: EUR 88.8 million). The
figure for the first nine months of the financial year was EUR 302.4
million (PY.: EUR 253.6 million). This thus represents the first time
that S&T has recorded sales of more than EUR 300.0 million in such a
The rise in sales enabled the further improvement of earnings. The
EBITDA in the first quarter of 2015 amounted to EUR 5.9 million (PY.:
EUR 5.2 million), with the nine months' figure increasing to EUR 16.7
million (PY.: EUR 15.1 million). The consolidated income for the
third quarter amounted to EUR 3.1 million (PY.: EUR 2.4 million),
with the three quarters' total rising to EUR 9.1 million (PY.: EUR
7.4 million) - translating into jumps of 28.8% and
Driver of growth in the third quarter was the Services Eastern Europe
segment, whose sales rose by EUR 22.2 million to EUR 71.5 million
(PY.: EUR 49.3 million). Equally strong growth was achieved by both
Appliances segments. Appliances Security increased its sales to EUR
15.8 million (PY.: EUR 12.9 million), with those of Appliances Smart
Energy registering a climb to EUR 10.6 million (PY.: EUR 6.6
million). As had been planned for it, the Services Germany, Austria
and Switzerland segment experienced a decline in sales, a rise in
margins and an increase in profits.
S&T's assets, finances and liquidity have developed as well as its
sales and profitability. They bear witness to the company's
stability, and form the base for further expansion. As of September
30, 2015, the company's liquid funds came to EUR 36.2 million, as
opposed to EUR 39.5 million as of 31.12.2014. Liabilities due to
banks amounted to EUR 54.3 million (31.12.2014: EUR 41.0 million).
This increase is solely due to the reduction of receivables as of the
date of reporting. Equity increased as of 30.9.2015 to EUR 95.0
million, as opposed to EUR 89.7 million as of 31.12.2014. The equity
rate thus came to 34.7% (31.12.2014: 32.9%).
The growth attained is leading S&T's management to maintain its
forecast for 2015 as a whole of the Group's achieving strong, 20%
growth in sales and consolidated income of EUR 15 million - despite
the start-up losses being recorded by the Smart Energy segment.
Planned for 2016 are double-digit sales growth and profits rising
even faster than that. These ambitious objectives are based upon the
order backlog, which has risen to a very large EUR 198 million, and
on the project pipeline, which now amounts to EUR 714 million.
On S&T AG: S&T AG (www.snt.at, ISIN AT0000A0E9W5, WKN A0X9EJ, SANT)
is a high-tech corporation. It employs some 2,300 employees, and
maintains subsidiaries and offices in 19 countries. S&T AG provides
IT systems. It is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange's Prime
Standard segment. These systems are comprised in the company's
comprehensive portfolio of IT solutions and services. These make S&T
one of the leading suppliers in Central and Eastern Europe. S&T is a
renowned manufacturer of products featuring proprietary technologies.
Its wide- ranging portfolio includes proprietary developments in such
areas as appliances, cloud security and smart energy.
Further inquiry note:
ir@snt.at; +431801911125;
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: S&T AG
Industriezeile 35
A-4021 Linz
phone: +43 664 6119214
FAX: +43 1 80191 1290
mail: ir@snt.at
WWW: www.snt.at
sector: Computing & Information Technology
ISIN: AT0000A0E9W5, DE000A1HJLL6
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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