PCCW Global Selects CENX to Orchestrate Self-Serve On-Demand VPN and Cloud Services
Geschrieben am 18-11-2015 |
Dallas (ots/PRNewswire) -
CENX (, the global leader of orchestrated service
management and assurance solutions for physical and virtualized
networks, today announced that PCCW Global
( has selected CENX's Cortx Service
Orchestrator to enhance elements in its VPN and cloud offerings that
will facilitate self-serve, on-demand connectivity. Using an on-line
portal, integrated to PCCW Global's OSS and BSS environments,
customers can dynamically scale their bandwidth connectivity and
cloud data center resources. Cortx Service Orchestrator helps
optimize PCCW Global's operations by orchestrating and assuring these
data services over multi-carrier, multi-vendor networks in real-time.
"At PCCW Global, our goal is to provide our multi-national
customers with differentiated, superior-quality services, which can
be deployed on-demand and easily managed," said Bret Rehart, Chief
Network Officer, PCCW Global. "In order to make this happen, we
needed a new real-time operations approach that could synchronize
actions across our carrier partner networks and across multiple
technologies, including SDN and NFV components. CENX has elements of
the functionality, scalability and usability that we were looking
"We are excited to be working with PCCW Global to roll out their
leading-edge service offerings in the APAC region," said Jay
McMullan, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, CENX. "With
CENX's Cortx Service Orchestrator real-time operations capabilities,
service providers can take full advantage of SDN and NFV elasticity
to satisfy customer demand for flexible, scalable data connectivity
and compute resources. Furthermore, the high-quality of those
services is able to be assured, end-to-end from customer premise to
According to 451 Research's report "Orchestration and OSS: Beauty,
Meet Beast" (, the move
to SDN/NFV and the cloud, and the virtualization of the carrier
network, is the trend most likely to result in an overhaul of carrier
OSS. "Operators are recognizing that NFV requires a dramatic change
in their operations and they are embracing innovative solutions from
vendors, whether new or incumbent, that can exploit the dynamic
elasticity of NFV infrastructure, not be hindered by it," said
Jennifer Clark, Vice President, 451 Research.
Cortx Service Orchestrator accelerates end-to-end operations of
advanced data services by automating workflow orchestration and
service assurance across multi-vendor, multi-domain, network
technologies. For PCCW Global, Cortx Service Orchestrator performs a
key orchestrator role, interfacing with a variety of multi-vendor
components that make up PCCW Global's multi-national IP network,
transport network, and virtualized cloud infrastructure. When service
requests are initiated at the customer portal, Cortx Service
Orchestrator automates the workflow required to satisfy the bandwidth
and compute requirements across heterogeneous physical and
virtualized network functions. Once the service is turned up, with
Cortx, the service provider and customer alike gain clear visibility
into the ongoing state of the service for real-time monitoring and
A demonstration of self-serve, on-demand data services is provided
at the GEN15 ( Proof of Concept
showcase, in Dallas, USA.
About CENX
CENX transforms network big data into real-time actionable
intelligence. We accelerate end-to-end operations by harnessing
dynamic analytics and web-scale computing to visualize, manage and
assure data services across multi-vendor, SDN and NFV networks. Our
software solutions are deployed by the largest, most innovative
service providers worldwide.
Links and search terms
CENX, Cortx Service Orchestrator, service assurance, service
management, cloud, data center, network functions virtualization,
NFV, software-defined networking, SDN, Lifecycle Service
Orchestration, LSO, IP, Ethernet, big data analytics, OSS
Follow CENX
Hannah Whitrow, Zonic Group PR, ,
ots Originaltext: CENX
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