Sagemcom Will Supply Enexis with the First Large Scale Roll Out Smart Meter Endorsing an Industrial LTE Technology
Geschrieben am 02-02-2016 |
Rueil-Malmaison, France (ots/PRNewswire) -
ENEXIS selects Sagemcom as one of the suppliers for LTE smart
meters for the large scale roll out in the Netherlands.
Sagemcom has been selected for the development and supply of the
ESMR5.0 smart electricity meters in the Netherlands, which will
contribute to the smart metering program of Enexis for the period Q4
2016 - 2021 (with optional extensions to 2026).
(Logo: )
Based on the Dutch DSMR4.2 specifications, these LTE adapted
ESMR5.0 smart electricity meters will provide new features to enhance
the communication interface with the consumer gas meters and aim to
improve security for customer privacy concerns. This new solution,
which complements the Enexis installed base of smart electricity
meters with GPRS, offers real time information on energy consumption
in order to reduce energy usage and significantly decrease energy
costs for customers.
The Dutch DSO has made the decision to adopt LTE (Long Term
Evolution) as the standard mobile communication technology between
the central system and its 2 million smart electricity meters, making
this smart metering program the most important LTE large scale roll
out in Europe. These smart electricity meters will belong to the
latest generation of industrial LTE, with an early deployment of LTE
CAT1. In a second phase the project foresees an evolution to deliver
new smart electricity meters with the evolved LTE technology for
Machine-Type Communications (LTE-MTC), which enhances radio coverage
for low data rate applications while still providing all the
performance, economic, and longevity advantages of LTE.
Moreover, within this project, Sagemcom will participle in the
Fair meter concept, which will help Enexis to contribute to
sustainability in the energy sector.
According to Rutger van der Leeuw, Director Customer and Market of
Enexis: "With the ESMR5.0 project and by selecting LTE as our
communication technology of choice, Enexis further enhances the long
term availability and quality of its smart grid. Developing the
ESMR5.0 LTE smart meter is an integral part of our large scale roll
out roadmap and helps us to achieve our goal of deploying smart
meters to at least 90% of our customer's homes with a view on
increasing awareness about energy consumption and enhancing grid
management capabilities."
"This awarding emphasizes the trust & confidence Enexis has given
to Sagemcom and highlights the long term relationship between our two
companies. It rewards the strategic innovation investments done by
the Group in the industrial M2M / IOT technologies, which has
contributed to this success," said Eric Rieul, Deputy CEO of Sagemcom
Energy & Telecom.
About Enexis
Enexis is the regional network operator in the north, east and
south of the Netherlands. The company is tasked with the development
and construction of energy distribution networks (gas and
electricity) and the maintenance and management of these networks.
Acting as the link between the customer and the energy supplier,
Enexis is responsible for the supply of energy to more than 2.7
million customers. Enexis has 4,300 employees.
About Sagemcom
A French high-tech group of international dimensions, Sagemcom
operates on the broadband (digital home, set-top boxes, Internet
routers, telephony and multimedia terminals), smart city (smart
meter, smart grid, smart infra, smart sites and smart services), and
Internet of Things markets.
With revenue of around 1.3 billion euros, Sagemcom employs 4200
people on five continents and ships every year more than 23 million
terminals. Sagemcom aims to remain a world leader in communicating
terminals with high added value.
Sagemcom has provided support for its clients for the last 25
years by preparing and implementing their energy management projects,
and by deploying secure and sustainable metering solutions, from
meters to information systems
ots Originaltext: Sagemcom
Im Internet recherchierbar:
Sylvaine COULEUR
Caroline PIERRON
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