
Cable characteristics for photovoltaic applications / Topsolar cables become the best alternative when performing photovoltaic installations.

Geschrieben am 06-06-2016

Barcelona (ots) - The TOPSOLAR (PV) cable has been specifically
designed to withstand the most demanding conditions between the
panels and LV network in continuous current from a solar photovoltaic

Its excellent proprieties make it the best cable for all LV

It has a useful life of 30 years at 90 ºC, being able to withstand
up to 120°C continuously. Temperatures higher than 90 ºC are common
in installations on rooftops. Normal cables with reticulated
polyethylene or EPR insulation are designed for a maximum conductor
temperature of 90 ºC and noticeably colder surroundings. It is
demonstrated in tests that the TOPSOLAR (PV) cable shows high
resistance to weather corrosion, abrasion, and chemical agents.

Its allowable current is superior in identical sections to
conventional cables. High-quality ethylene-propylene insulation of
TOPSOLAR (PV) cables allows the conductor's temperature to reach
120ºC, which implies important increases in allowable currents with
regards to similar sections of conventional cables.

It is halogen-free, fire-retardant and has reduced the emission of
opaque fumes. It surpasses the tests for flame-retardants,
fire-retardants, low emission of opaque fumes and low emission of
toxic and corrosive gases, which on top of decreasing the collateral
effects of fires on people, also protects the solar installations'
valuable electronic equipment due to its high fireproofing and the
low corrosiveness of emitted gases.

It is fit for mobile services. The use of followers is frequent to
get the most out of solar radiation. It should not be forgotten that
in these cases the connection cables between mobile structures and
the fixed parts are subject to movement, for which conventional
cables are not suitable. The TOPSOLAR (PV) line demonstrates good
mechanical properties even at low temperatures.

It is more convenient to install due to its extraordinary
flexibility and reduced diameter. The cable is made of a flexible
class 5 tin-plated copper conductor, high-quality insulation of
ethylene propylene and an outer sheath of ethylene vinyl acetate
(EVA). Its reduced outer diameter makes the cable more manageable and
takes up less space in the wiring.

Cables for the Low Voltage network in alternate current

At the inverter's output begins the LV network in alternate
current, which ends in the connection point to the LV network or even
the transformer, in the case of connecting to the MT network. In
solar parks, this LV channelling in alternate current tends to be
buried pipes. Moreover, in this type of application, the designers
should evaluate the possible presence of rodents in any part of the
installation. In this case the use of armoured cables should be
considered, like those of the TOPSOLAR XZ1FA3Z-K type.

Cables for the Medium Voltage network

Top Cable offers two cable families:

1) Those insulated in reticulated polyethylene (XLPE)

2) Those insulated with ethylene propylene (HEPR)

Both in voltages up to 66 kV.

The X-VOLT range has its cold-shrinkable outer semiconductive
layer, a quality highly valued by the installers, given that its easy
removal is a critical factor when correctly preparing the cable tips
for the making of joints and outlets, furthermore constituting a
notable saving of time.

The X-VOLT RHZ1 cables, insulated in XLPE, are characterized by a
good dielectric rigidity, low loss factor and high insulation

The X-VOLT HEPRZ1 cables, insulated with HEPR, can withstand
temperatures of 105 ºC in continuous operation, demonstrating very
good resistance to thermal aging and partial discharge.

In both cases, the cables can include elements sealed in the
shield that impede longitudinal water propagation in case of
breakdown of the sheath and/or elements for the longitudinal sealing
of the conductor.

For more information please contact www.topcable.com

Eva Yáñez
Dpto. Marketing
Tel 93 588 09 11


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