Biotherm Homme and David Beckham Open New Chapter of Their Collaboration With New Skincare Campaign
Geschrieben am 29-08-2016 |
Paris (ots/PRNewswire) -
Biotherm Homme, N°1 in premium men's skincare[1], presents Force
Supreme: The Story of My Life the new film featuring David Beckham.
The video, shot by acclaimed director Johan Renck, celebrates the
legendary sportsman's life story as told through his extraordinary
body of ink.
To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:
Standing for a generation of men who are traveling, working and
living more throughout their 40s, David Beckham remains a grooming
icon and a role model. Beyond his 40s, his success story is still
being written. And he decides how to tell it for new Biotherm Homme
Force Supreme campaign.
David Beckham: "I use Biotherm Homme Force Supreme serum to
improve my skin. I also recently discovered the new Force Supreme
Life Essence which is really a booster in the morning."
From cleansing to targeting the eye zone to hydrating: the Force
Supreme range, with all-new Force Supreme Life Essence, covers every
step on the road to better, younger-looking skin.
About Biotherm Homme
French luxury skincare brand Biotherm launched
Biotherm Homme in 1985. For 30 years, Biotherm Homme has played a
pioneering role in men's skincare, creating solutions to respond to
the specific needs of men's skin, with products such as the
breakthrough gel moisturizer Aquapower and the corrective anti-aging
cream Force Supreme. The brand offers a complete range of over 80
advanced skincare solutions adapted to different skin types and
concerns. They all share the power of aquatic ingredients, which
ensure light and invigorating textures. Biotherm Homme is one of the
brands across the L'Oréal Luxe portfolio
Follow Biotherm Homme on Instagram @BiothermHomme
1. Source Euromonitor International Limited: retail value, retail
selling prices, 2014
(Photo: )
ots Originaltext: Biotherm Homme
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