Recaro Automotive Seating partner vehicle takes first place in its class at the Nürburgring 24-hours race (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 31-05-2017 |
Nürburg (ots) -
The Audi TTRS2 partner vehicle of Recaro Automotive Seating took
first place in the highly competitive SP3T class at last weekend's
45th ADAC Zurich 24h-Rennen. The #89-car entered by team LMS
Engineering also went home with an outstanding 24th place in the
overall rankings. This year, about 45 percent of the race's 161
participants relied on racing shells from Recaro Automotive Seating,
an Adient product group.
"Only the Nürburgring could write a script like this," said Ulli
Andree, who, along with Daniela Schmid, Christian Schmitz and Stefan
Wieninger, drove the Audi TTRS2. "After temperatures that sometimes
reached 30° Celsius and 23 hours during which the asphalt stayed dry,
rain came into play in the final minutes of the race. In the last
stint, I had to stop for my final splash and dash, at which point the
team also gave me intermediates for the last two laps along with some
fuel. Hence, I was perfectly equipped to handle the dry and wet areas
on the course, so that we as a private outfit were able to pull off a
magnificent victory in our class, beating out three factory teams."
Taking first place in the highly competitive class was an
impressive start-to-finish victory, especially in light of the fact
that Andree had already caused a stir by setting a new SP3T record
time of 8:56:560 in the qualifications, despite carrying 130 kg
ballast required by regulations. In the race itself, the LMS
Engineering team surrounding Andreas Lautner and the four drivers
worked like a well-oiled machine, delivering a flawless performance.
Even a defective fuel pump, a new part that had been installed just
before the race and that in the last two hours of the race only
worked properly for three laps, could not stop the Audi TTRS2. "In
the end, the team's experience really shines through in such
situations," said Markus Kussmaul, executive director of the Adient
specialty seating group and responsible for the worldwide business of
Recaro Performance Car Seating. "Everyone in the team kept their
cool, they made pit stops during this phase every five laps instead
of every eight or nine, and the drivers focused on maintaining their
At this year's legendary race in the Eifel, about 200,000
spectators cheered on the 161 participants, around 45 percent of whom
competed in a racing shell from Recaro Automotive Seating. In
addition to the Audi TTRS2, the Recaro Automotive Seating partner
team LMS Engineering also entered an Audi RS3 in the TCR class in the
race. Unfortunately, this #173-car, had to be pulled out of the race
after an accident on Sunday morning. Driver Mike Jäger was not
About Recaro Automotive Seating:
Recaro Automotive Seating is a product group of Adient. At eight
locations in Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Japan, Mexico, and the USA,
we design, manufacture, and market complete seats representative of
our core competencies of design, ergonomics, craftsmanship,
robustness, lightweight construction, and first-class workmanship,
under the brand name Recaro. Recaro Automotive Seating consists of
two units: While Recaro Performance Car Seating offers passenger car
seats for OEMs and the aftermarket, Recaro Commercial Vehicle Seating
focuses on commercial vehicle seats in the OEM and aftermarket
About Adient:
Adient is a global leader in automotive seating. With 75,000
employees operating 230 manufacturing/assembly plants in 33 countries
worldwide, Adient produces and delivers automotive seating for all
vehicle classes and all major OEMs. From complete seating systems to
individual components, the company's expertise spans every step of
the automotive seat-making process. Adient's integrated, in-house
skills allow it to take products from research and design all the way
to engineering and manufacturing - and into more than 25 million
vehicles every year. To learn more, please visit
Tilman Schäfer
T: +49 7071 156-32
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