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Nestlé Accelerates Action to Tackle Plastic Waste

Geschrieben am 15-01-2019

Vevey, Switzerland (ots/PRNewswire) -

Nestlé today laid out its broader vision to achieve a waste-free
future and announced a series of specific actions towards meeting its
April 2018 commitment (
pressreleases/nestle-recyclable-reusable-packaging-by-2025) to make
100% of its packaging recyclable or reusable by 2025, with a
particular focus on avoiding plastic-waste.

(Logo: )

Nestlé CEO Mark Schneider said, "Our broader vision and action
plan outline our commitment and specific approach to addressing the
plastics packaging waste issue.

While we are committed to pursuing recycling options where
feasible, we know that 100% recyclability is not enough to
successfully tackle the plastics waste crisis. We need to push the
boundaries and do more. We are determined to look at every option to
solve this complex challenge and embrace multiple solutions that can
have an impact now. We believe in the value of recyclable and
compostable paper-based materials and biodegradable polymers, in
particular where recycling infrastructure does not exist.

Collective action is vital, which is why we are also engaging
consumers, business partners and all of our Nestlé colleagues to play
their part.

You can count on us to be a leader in this space!"

Addressing the multifaceted issue of plastic pollution requires a
holistic view and a well-orchestrated effort. To realize this
objective, specific actions are required. In line with this approach,
Nestlé today announced tangible steps to pioneer alternative
materials, shape a waste-free future and drive behavior change.

Pioneering alternative materials

In December 2018, Nestlé announced the creation of its Institute
of Packaging Sciences (
pressreleases/nestle-institute-of-packaging-sciences) to evaluate and
develop various sustainable packaging materials and to collaborate
with industrial partners to develop new packaging materials and

Between 2020 and 2025, Nestlé will phase out all plastics that are
not recyclable or are hard to recycle (
e-plastic-waste-negative-list.pdf) for all its products worldwide. In
doing so, Nestlé is rolling out alternative packaging materials
across its global product portfolio and establishing partnerships
with cutting-edge packaging specialists:

- Starting in February 2019, Nestlé will begin to eliminate all
plastic straws from its products, using alternative materials like
paper as well as innovative designs to reduce littering.
- Nestlé will also start rolling out paper packaging for Nesquik in
the first quarter of 2019 and for the Yes! snack bar in the second
half of 2019. Smarties will start rolling out plastic-free
packaging in 2019 and Milo will introduce paper-based pouches in
- Nestlé Waters will increase the recycled PET content in its bottles
to 35% by 2025 at the global level and will reach 50% in the United
States, with a specific focus on its iconic brand Poland Spring. In
addition, Nestlé Waters will increase the recycled PET content for
its European brands Acqua Panna, Buxton, Henniez and Levissima to
50% by 2025.
- Successful recycling requires an adequate infrastructure, which is
currently not always in place. Nestlé Institute of Packaging
Sciences is exploring new paper-based materials and
biodegradable/compostable polymers that are also recyclable, among
other alternatives. This could become a valuable option in places
where recycling infrastructure does not yet exist and will not be
available for some time.
- Nestlé is also collaborating with external partners. The Company
has formed a global partnership with Danimer Scientific (https://ww
ientific-develop-biodegradable-water-bottle) to develop a marine
biodegradable and recyclable bottle for its water business. Danimer
Scientific, based in Bainbridge, GA, is a pioneer in creating more
sustainable and more natural ways to make plastic products.
- Furthermore, Nestlé initiated a collaboration with PureCycle
Technologies to produce food-grade recycled Polypropylene (PP).
PureCycle Technologies is commercializing ground-breaking recycling
technologies which can remove color, odor and contaminants from
plastic waste feedstock in order to transform it into virgin-like
resin. Polypropylene is a polymer commonly used for packing food in
trays, tubs, cups and bottles.

Shaping a waste-free future

Over and above delivering on its 2025 commitment, Nestlé has a
longer-term ambition to stop plastic leakage into the environment
across its global operations. This will help avoid further
accumulation of plastics in nature and achieve plastic neutrality.

Plastic waste in the ocean poses a particular threat to Indonesia
as well as other Southeast Asian countries. Nestlé has therefore
become the first food company to partner with Project STOP
(, which was launched in Indonesia
in 2017. Project STOP is a leading initiative to prevent the leakage
of plastic into the ocean by developing partnerships with cities and
governments in Southeast Asia. Project STOP is creating sustainable,
circular and low-cost waste systems that capture as much value from
waste as possible. It supports the many existing local initiatives
and informal waste pickers in Indonesia's coastal areas. Over the
coming months, we will take the learnings from this project to other
countries where we operate in an effort to deliver 'plastic
neutrality' in those markets. Nestlé will provide more details at the
appropriate time.

Driving new behavior

Addressing the plastic waste challenge requires behavior change
from all of us. Nestlé is committed to leading lasting and impactful
change. We know there is no better place to start than from within
our own Company.

- All 4,200 Nestlé facilities worldwide are committed to eliminating
single-use plastic items that cannot be recycled. These items will
be replaced by materials that can easily be recycled or reused. We
encourage the consumption of all of our products at our locations.
For recyclable materials such as PET and aluminum, we will ensure
that the proper means to collect and handle are available where
consumed and our commitment to recycling is well communicated.
- Nestlé employees in all locations worldwide and at all levels will
dedicate their volunteering days to the removal of litter and
participate in clean-up activities on World Ocean Day on June 8,
2019. To lead the way, Nestlé's Executive Board and employees at
the Company's global headquarters in Switzerland will volunteer to
clean the shores of Lake Geneva in May 2019.

Responding to the plastic waste challenge and striving for zero
environmental impact in its operations is an integral part of
Nestlé's commitment to creating shared value for shareholders and
society. Nestlé is particularly dedicated to accelerating action in
tackling the plastic waste issue and report on the Company's progress

This press release is also available in French (pdf) (https://www.
estle-action-tackle-plastic-waste-fr.pdf) and in German (pdf). (https

ots Originaltext: Nestlé S.A.
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