Cannabis Europa: France on Cusp of Major Breakthrough in Medical Cannabis Access
Geschrieben am 24-01-2019 |
London (ots/PRNewswire) -
- 8th February 2019: Industry leaders to meet at Cannabis Europa
Paris for the first major industry conference in France
- This follows recommendation by the French Medicines Agency (ANSM)
in December 2019 to legalise medical cannabis use
- France is seen as crucial market by the global medical cannabis
industry for both the size of the population and the scale of the
Taking place on 8th February at Maison de la Chime, Cannabis
Europa Paris will be the first ever major global medical cannabis
industry event in France.
Leaders from around the world will gather to discuss how a future
legal medical cannabis industry in France will work. This is the
first high-profile industry event since the ANSM (National Agency for
the Safety of Medicines and Health Products) recommended that the use
of medical cannabis be legalised for patients with certain specified
conditions in December 2018.
Cannabis Europa events attract high-level policymakers, industry
heavy-weights and international researchers who are keen to gain
insight into the intricacies of the European medical cannabis market.
The timing of this conference is prescient, as the European
Parliament is currently reassessing its position on medical cannabis,
making Cannabis Europa Paris one of the most pivotal events on this
year's calendar.
Any reform would offer a major breakthrough for patients seeking
access to medical cannabis in France. The country is widely regarded
as the next major European country likely to implement policy changes
as the global trend towards legalisation continues, following major
developments in neighbouring countries, including the United Kingdom.
Last year's Cannabis Europa in London took place only a month
before the UK government formally acknowledged the medical benefits
of cannabis and reviewed their stance on its use as medicine,
starting down the path towards patient access to cannabis medicines.
The London conference is widely regarded as a seminal turning point
in a decades-long campaign by campaigners and patients alike.
Managing Director of Cannabis Europa, Alastair Moore said, "We see
Cannabis Europa not only as a platform for thought leaders to discuss
medical cannabis in Europe, but as a catalyst for change. France is a
key market for the wider European medical cannabis industry and is
home to a large number of patients who will benefit greatly from any
future reform."
This year's Cannabis Europa Paris is aiming to have a similar
impact on French legislators and public opinion as the London event
had on UK discourse. "France has the potential to be a major player
in the global medical cannabis market and we are proud to be involved
in this conference as it plays such a key role helping to evolve
discussions around what a future legal medical industry may look like
in this country," said Axel Gille, Vice President EU Business
Development for Aurora Cannabis, Headline Partner for the event.
"Given the timing, Cannabis Europa Paris looks set to open up
meaningful and enlightened dialogue in France."
Recent polling shows that 82%* of the French population supports
the use of medical cannabis, indicating that France is ready for
For more information, visit
*2018 polling data commissioned by ECHO and conducted by Ipsos
Event Details:
When: Friday, 8th February, 9am - 5pm
Where: Maison de la Chimie, 28 Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007 Paris,
To apply for a press pass, or for any media-related inquiries
please email
About Cannabis Europa:
Cannabis Europa is Europe's leading medical cannabis conference.
It is a thought leadership platform and an opportunity to connect
with influential leaders in science, policy and business.
ots Originaltext: Cannabis Europa
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