
China Unicom and Valid Join Commercial Forces to Deliver LTE Connectivity Enablement to Global IoT Device

Geschrieben am 20-02-2019

Barcelona, Spain (ots/PRNewswire) -

China Unicom, the leading telecommunications provider in China,
and Valid, the innovative eSIM solution provider today announced
their commercial partnership to deliver LTE Connectivity Enablement
to global IoT customers in China. This commercial partnership
provides eSIM technology, making LTE connectivity and subscription
management easier for IoT device makers. The companies will explain
this industry-first during Mobile World Congress Barcelona, which
takes place on Feb 25-28th in Barcelona, Spain.

The commercial partnership leverages Valid's IoT Connectivity
Platform paired with China Unicom's powerful eSIM platform which is
awarded "GSMA Asia Best Mobility Breakthrough" in MWC Shanghai 2018 -
both of which use advanced, GSMA-compliant subscription management
solutions from Valid and China Unicom. The companies have
successfully tested and demonstrated a fully compliant subscription
management swap procedure in China between their respective systems.
This critical milestone was achieved in an interoperable multi-vendor

"We are pleased to partner with Valid in this important industry
initiative. The integration of eSIM platforms paves the way for
accelerated innovation across the China Unicom network," said Chen
Feng Wei, Deputy General Manager from Unicom Vsens. "Through this
commercial partnership, we are enabling a truly unique experience and
technology that drives seamless connectivity."

"It is a real pleasure for Valid to partner with China Unicom.
Together, we have achieved a major industry milestone proving once
again the leadership and industry expertise of the involved parties.
The integration between China Unicom unique service platform, Valid
eUICC & Subscription Management technology, and, best-in-class China
Unicom LTE Network will enable IoT OEMs, device makers and service
providers to embrace a seamless connectivity experience in China,"
said Carlos Affonso D'Aburquerque, CEO of Valid.

About Valid

Valid (BM&FBOVESPA: VLID3 ON) is a global company with more than
60 years of experience in the market and a broad portfolio of
security-based technological solutions for the financial and banking
markets, as well as mobile, identification, data management, Internet
of Things (IoT) and track & trace. Valid has more than 6,000
employees and a presence in 16 countries. Today, the company has more
than a 60% share of the market for the issuance of identification
documents in Brazil, is the fifth-largest producer of SIM Cards in
the world, and is among the world's ten largest manufacturers of
banking cards. Valid's services fluidly adapt to the unique needs of
each region where we operate to create personalized and integrated
solutions for our clients. To learn more, visit http://www.valid.com.

About China Unicom

China United Network Communications Corporation Limited ("China
Unicom") was officially established on January 6, 2009 on the basis
of the merger of former China Netcom and former China Unicom. It has
subsidiaries in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities)
across China and many countries and regions around the world. It is
the only Chinese telecom operator listed on the stock exchanges of
New York, Hong Kong, and Shanghai. It has been a Fortune 500 company
for many years and was ranked at No. 273 in Fortune 500 in 2018.

China Unicom operates a wide range of services, including fixed
communication services, mobile communication services, domestic and
international communication facilities services, Satellite
International Private Lease (IPL) service, data communication
services, network access services, telecom value-added services, and
system integration related to information and communication services.
On April 28, 2009, China Unicom unveiled its full-service brand -
"Wo", which carries China Unicom's consistent and innovative service
concept and aims to provide comprehensive support for individual,
home and corporate customers.

China Unicom has built up a modern communication network with
nationwide coverage and global reach. It is vigorously deploying the
fixed and mobile broadband networks and advancing the implementation
of "Broadband China" strategy at the corporate level, with the aim to
provide its users with comprehensive and premium information and
communication services. Owning both TD-LTE and LTE FDD 4G licenses,
China Unicom ushered in a new stage for 4G development.



Marisol Fernández for Valid



ots Originaltext: China Unicom and Valid
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

Original-Content von: China Unicom Global Limited, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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