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HARTING presents intelligent connectivity at HANNOVER MESSE for the next steps towards the Future Factory (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 01-04-2019

Espelkamp/Hanover (ots) -

HAI³ powered Connectivity: Solution Packages for Cloud, Edge and
IIoT / Partnerships with HIROSE and TE Connectivity around the topic
of Single Pair Ethernet (SPE)

In addition to clear standards for industrial infrastructure, the
production of the future requires ever more intelligent systems and
processes. The field of activity ranges from the collection of sensor
data, analysis in Edge environments or in Clouds, initial results
presentations in connection with Predictive Maintenance, and through
to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI). With HARTING
"HAI³ powered Connectivity", the HARTING Technology Group creates
continuity from the Cloud to the field level - and thus positions
itself as the enabler of Integrated Industry towards the Future

Artificial intelligence (AI) is ubiquitous. AI is considered the
key driving force behind the Digital Revolution. In the production
sector, the technology has now outgrown its infancy and has thus
sounded the starting gun for AI systems within industry. For HARTING,
this year's trade show motto of "Integrated Industry - Industrial
Intelligence" means the convergence of human and artificial
intelligence into industrial intelligence in order to create added
value for customers. HARTING products from "HAI³ powered
Connectivity" are smart, clever and easy to use.

Standards facilitate communication

In the factory of the future (Future Factory), different
components and products need to be able to communicate with each
other and exchange lots of data to enable new services. Standards
facilitate communication here.

The technology group also has IIoT firmly in its sights. The group
developed the T1 Industrial connector to meet the demand for an
end-to-end communication infrastructure and thus reach all industrial
internet subscribers of the IIoT in future. HARTING has already used
the T1 to define the IEEE connector standard for Single Pair Ethernet
deployed in the industrial sector. This is an intelligent
connectivity solution that brings miniaturised sensors and actuators
of a new I4.0 automation into the network and thus into the Cloud as

Also focus on solutions for Edge and Cloud

To ideally achieve all the elements of a modern network, more and
more customised connector solutions are needed to bring power to the
edge, e.g. the Han® 1A. The world's smallest rectangular connector
and the newest member of the Han® connector family ideally meet the
demands of an ever shrinking device world.

With specific application scenarios, HARTING uses the example of a
working plastic injection moulding machine to demonstrate services
such as Injection Mold Ident for tool recognition or energy
management with the MICA® to achieve increased productivity in
connection with energy requirements. Whether Cloud-bound or "on the
edge", HARTING partners and system integrators from the
are once again represented in Hannover and will be presenting
additional applications from a wide variety of industry segments.

HARTING launches Single Pair Ethernet series products

HARTING is driving the development of Ethernet connectivity for
tomorrow's networks. Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) is on everyone's lips
in the industrial cabling market. HARTING supplies the appropriate
standardised interfaces and will be showing the first series products
at the HANNOVER MESSE 2019 in order to actively promote the Design-In
of the next generation of automation devices.

As an enabler of IIoT, HARTING is thus taking the step from a
technology trend to a real application and customer solution. With an
interface standardised according to IEC 63171-6, the technology group
is consistently going down the path of recognising trends, defining
standards and delivering reliable products. In Hall 11 (Booth C15),
the first IP20 interface consisting of a plug connector and angled
printed circuit board socket will be shown.

But what's actually behind Single Pair Ethernet? Generations of
network engineers, planners, installers and users have learned that
Fast Ethernet 10/100Mbps requires two wire pair cabling and that
Gigabit Ethernet requires four wire pairs. The new Single Pair
Ethernet is now pushing a technology into the market that can
transmit these TCP/IP-based data streams via just one pair of wires.

However, the necessary eco-system also requires partners who
actively co-support this development. HARTING wants to market Single
Pair Ethernet (SPE) solutions with its technology partner HIROSE,
with which the HARTING ix Industrial has already been successfully
placed on the market. Likewise, TE Connectivity will co-develop
products for the future SPE infrastructure as a cooperation partner.

Small, robust and flexible: Han® 1A

HARTING presents a new space-saving industrial interface at the
world's largest industrial trade fair: the Han® 1A is significantly
smaller than the hitherto smallest rectangular HARTING industrial
connector, the Han® 3A. Despite its small dimensions, the connector
offers powerful solutions for all lifelines in industry. Thanks to
the simple "Click & Mate" principle, users also save valuable working
time during assembly.

The new interface uses black plastic housings and can be equipped
with coloured coding. It requires little space and is very versatile,
as it integrates contacts for data, power and signal transmission. In
addition, it features a flexible connection technology that offers an
optimum solution both for on-site installation - screw contacts - as
well as crimp contacts for the pre-assembly of separate units. The
combination of few basic elements results in simple and efficient
interfaces, e. g. for mechanical engineering, automation, robotics,
medical, energy and traffic engineering.

HARTING accelerates e-mobility

The infrastructure-electromobility ecosystem requires intelligent
data processing and analysis systems in order to be able to offer the
services that are desired. Among others, this includes information as
to which next charging station is best suited with regard to the
battery status or which energy provider currently has the cheapest

Intelligent charging systems, which fuel a vehicle virtually
autonomously, also require data from a wide variety of systems.
Charging infrastructure solutions such as the Type 2 connector for AC
charging or the Combo for fast DC charging are already adapted for
such systems. At the industrial trade show, HARTING will demonstrate
"live" how automatic charging works. A KUKA charging robot guides the
HARTING charging connector into the vehicle socket and stops the
charging process as soon as the drive battery has reached the
required charge level. This makes the vehicle ready for use again
after a short time, providing a solution for a variety of
applications such as vehicle fleets or parking garages, where cramped
space would virtually rule out manual charging.

The MICA® edge computer is used very close to the application here
as well, among others to operate charging management or to safeguard
billing systems with secure communication.

Together with HARTING partners Rinspeed, KUKA, innogy, SAP and
MHP, the technology group will be presenting a wide variety of
solutions in the infrastructure e-mobility ecosystem. Swiss car
visionary Frank M. Rinderknecht is slated to present his latest
vehicle study, the "microSNAP", in Hannover. The bold idea behind the
"microSNAP": chassis, drive ("skateboard") and superstructures
("pods") can be separated and quickly swapped out.

Economy has cooled

Board chairman Philip Harting addressed business development at
the Technology Group. Risks such as the US-China trade wars, punitive
tariffs, Brexit and slowing global demand had been felt in the
day-to-day business. "The economy has cooled down further since the
end of last year," Harting said at the press reception in Hannover.
He added that achieving the December 2018 forecast of almost 5%
growth in sales for the 2018/19 financial year would be a challenge.

Caption: First Single Pair Ethernet series parts

Caption: Versatile and lightweight: Han® 1A in a shielded version


The HARTING Technology Group is one of the world's leading
providers of industrial connection technology for the three lifelines
of Data, Signal and Power and has 14 production plants and 44 sales
companies. Moreover, the company also produces retail checkout
systems, electromagnetic actuators for automotive and industrial
series use, charging equipment for electric vehicles, as well as
hardware and software for customers and applications in automation
technology, mechanical and plant engineering, robotics and
transportation engineering. In the 2017/18 business year, some 5,000
employees generated sales of EUR 762 million.


HARTING Stiftung & Co. KG
Detlef Sieverdingbeck
General Manager Communication and Public Relations
Marienwerderstr. 3
32339 Espelkamp

Phone: 05772 47-244
Fax: 05772 47-400
Additional information at

Original-Content von: HARTING Stiftung & Co. KG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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