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Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts establish a stronger presence in Egypt - five new General Managers appointed (FOTO)

Geschrieben am 10-04-2019

Frankfurt (ots) -

The Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts brand is continuing to build
upon the strong degree of commitment traditionally shown to Egypt by
opening a total of three new hotels in the country this year. This
expansion is being accompanied by the appointment of five new General
Managers and one new Hotel Manager in order to drive group growth

"Steigenberger has developed into one of the major hotel brands
operating in Egypt over recent decades," said Thomas Willms, CEO of
Deutsche Hospitality - umbrella brand of Steigenberger Hotels &
Resorts. "We are confident that we can achieve more growth in this
market and will be extending our presence on an ongoing basis."

New General Managers at five destinations

Hisham Mohamed Saied has been GM of the Steigenberger Hotel El
Lessan in Ras El Bar since 1 April. The hotel is scheduled to open
for business in the third quarter of 2019. Mr. Saied had already
accumulated several years of experience as a GM. His previous
positions included the Jaz Mirabel Resort, the Jaz Club Fanara &
Residence and the Jaz Almaza Beach Hotel.

39-year old Wael Aboelseoud has taken on a new role as GM at the
Steigenberger Cecil Hotel in Alexandria, also with effect from 1
April. Mr. Aboelseoud has worked for Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts
since 2013, and his most recent post was Hotel Manager of the
Steigenberger Hotel El Tahrir in Cairo.

Ashraf Naguib has been the new GM of the Steigenberger Resort
Achti since the beginning of the year. The hotel will open at the end
of 2019. Mr. Naguib is able to look back at more than 35 years of
experience in the sector, both in Egypt and the Middle East. His
career as a GM stretches back to 2001, and he has worked in this
capacity for differently branded new hotels.

January saw Gunnar Wassong move from the Steigenberger Golf Resort
in El Gouna to the Steigenberger Aqua Magic. A native of Cologne, Mr.
Wassong studied Hotel Management in Heidelberg and has been GM of Jaz
Hotels & Resorts in Makadi, Egypt, since 2006.

Hisham Tawfik succeeded Mr. Wassong as GM of the Steigenberger
Golf Resort in El Gouna at the turn of the year. Mr. Tawfik has been
previously been employed by a number of prestigious hotels, and his
past achievements include responsibility for opening the Robinson
Club on Djerba.

Also in January, Ali Mansi took over as Hotel Manager of the
Steigenberger Pyramids in Cairo. Mr. Mansi brings 27 years of
experience in the hotel business to the table and has worked in GM
roles for various hotel brands during this period.

A hotel directly next to the Pyramids and a pool with views of the

The Deutsche Hospitality portfolio in Egypt currently comprises
twelve hotels. Plans are in place to open two new hotels in 2019 -
the Steigenberger Hotel El Lessan Ras El Bar near Damietta in the
North of the country and the future Steigenberger Resort Achti on the
East bank of the Nile, which is located only metres away from the
Great Pyramids of Gizeh. Most of its 132 rooms offer attractive views
of the Pyramids and of the new Egyptian Museum.

The Steigenberger Hotel El Lessan in Ras El Bar is being developed
on the promenade of a peninsular which is formed by a Mediterranean
beach and the estuary of one of the branches of the River Nile. The
hotel has 158 rooms and suites and also boasts two restaurants, , a
swimming pool with a separate children's section, a health and beauty
spa and gym facility and two large ballrooms.

Conversion works are currently being carried out to elevate the
Resort Achti Luxor to Steigenberger standards, and the plan is for it
to commence official operations under the brand name in the third
quarter of 2019. The future Steigenberger Resort Achti in Luxor will
provide 281 rooms, suites and bungalows. There will also be two
restaurants and a bar with terraces giving a unique panorama out over
the Nile. Further highlights will include a jacuzzi in the bungalow
area, an outdoor pool with river views and a conference room.

Deutsche Hospitality aims to achieve annual growth of 15 percent.
Specific development plans are in place for more than 30 hotel
openings between now and 2021. The main focuses of the expansion
being pursued by Steigenberger Hotels & Resorts are in the Middle
East and Europe. Deutsche Hospitality is investing millions in full
reinvigoration and further development of the Steigenberger Hotels &
Resorts brand as part of its global "Made in Germany" strategy.

Current press information is available in our press portal:

Deutsche Hospitality
Lyoner Straße 25
60528 Frankfurt am Main

Sven Hirschler
Tel: +49 69 66564-422

Original-Content von: Steigenberger Hotels AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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