Boost your trap! / How to get rid of Asian tiger mosquitoes more effectively
Geschrieben am 18-04-2019 |
Moorefield, WV, USA (ots) - Asian tiger mosquitoes (Aedes
albopictus) continue to expand their range in the United States and
are problematic not only because of their aggressive day-biting
behavior, but also as potential vectors of diseases like dengue, Zika
and chikungunya. Homeowners often try to protect themselves from the
bloodthirsty flying tigers with UV light traps, but the results leave
much to be desired. Scientists recently showed how the number of
tiger mosquitoes you collect can be greatly increased by adding an
artificial human skin scent that is irresistible to the annoying
little insects: the BG-Sweetscent. It was developed by Biogents, a
German company recognized world-wide by mosquito specialists for
their efficient mosquito traps. A team of scientists from Florida,
Louisiana, and Germany tested the BG-Sweetscent with six different
commercially available mosquito UV light traps. The study was
published in the March issue of the Journal of the American Mosquito
Control Association, one of the most important scientific journals
for mosquito specialists. The result? BG-Sweetscent increases tiger
mosquito catch rates in light traps up to 4.2-fold!
The BG-Sweetscent is a new and easy-to-use formulation of the
BG-Lure, a professional attractant widely used with mosquito traps by
scientists and mosquito control specialists. The EPA-registered
BG-Sweetscent is now available for everyone and comes as a small
pouch which continuously releases the non-toxic attractants for up to
two months. Normally, it is used with a trap called BG-Mosquitaire,
the homeowner's eco-friendly weapon against Asian tiger mosquitoes.
"It is great news that many traps people already have at home can be
easily improved to catch more Asian tiger mosquitoes, simply by
adding a human scent dispenser" says Dr. Scott W. Gordon, the study's
main investigator.
For more information on Biogents and the BG-Sweetscent visit
Research article:
The article is available at the JAMCA website:
Please name the journal in any story you write. If you are writing
for the web, please link to the article. All JAMCA articles are
available free of charge (open access).
Biogents USA is an affiliate of Biogents AG
Biogents AG is an innovative company on the forefront of mosquito
control research and focuses on the development and production of
highly efficient mosquito traps. Biogents traps are the latest
innovation in mosquito control traps and incorporate patented
Dr. Scott Gordon (Biogents USA)
Tel.: +1 (304) 209-6369
Original-Content von: Biogents USA, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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