How the EU is Mastering the Challenge of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Geschrieben am 08-05-2019 |
Brussels (ots) - From treating chronic diseases and reducing
fatality rates in traffic accidents, to fighting climate change and
anticipating cybersecurity threats, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is
no longer considered a futuristic construct - it is already a reality
and is helping humanity solve pressing global challenges. It
significantly improves peoples' lives, helps with day-to-day tasks
and benefits society and the economy. Nevertheless, AI applications
should not only be consistent with the law, but also adhere to
ethical principles. The ethical dimension of AI is not a luxury
feature or an add-on: it needs to be an integral part of AI
The European Commission recognises AI as one of the 21st century's
most strategic technologies and is therefore increasing its annual
investment in AI by 70% as part of the research and innovation
programme Horizon 2020, reaching EUR1.5 billion for the period
2018-2020. The Commission aims to foster cross-border cooperation and
mobilise all players to increase public and private investments to at
least EUR20 billion annually over the next decade.
AI is just like any other tool - it is here to help people. It is
this perspective that underpins the EU's approach and commitment to
putting it at the service of citizens and the economy. To make the
most of the opportunities which AI offers and address these
challenges, the Commission published a European strategy in April
2018[1]. The strategy places people at the centre of the development
of AI, ensuring a human-centric approach: AI is not an end in itself,
but a tool that has to serve people's well-being.
Europe's approach to Artificial Intelligence shows how economic
competitiveness and societal trust must start from the same
fundamental values and mutually reinforce each other. The EU has a
strong regulatory framework that will set the global standard for
human-centric and trustworthy AI. To this end, the Commission has set
up a high-level expert group on AI[2] representing a wide range of
stakeholders (Member States, industry, societal actors and citizens)
and has tasked it with drafting AI ethics guidelines as well as
preparing a set of recommendations for broader AI policy. According
to the guidelines, three components are necessary in order to achieve
'trustworthy AI': (1) it should comply with the law, (2) it should
fulfil ethical principles and (3) it should be safe and technically
robust since, even with good intentions, AI systems can cause
unintentional harm.
By stepping up investment at the European level, preparing a
framework of future actions, and supporting efforts of Member States
to prepare for the changes and build trust in human-centric AI,
Europe and its citizens should be able to shift perspective ´from
fear to opportunity´. They will also be equipped to take advantage of
AI and use it to co-create a society full of opportunities.
How much is the EC investing in AI (2014-2020)[3]?
The European Commission has already invested significant amounts
in AI, cognitive systems, robotics, big data and future and emerging
technologies to help Europe maintain its competitive edge.
AI-related areas
Around EUR2.6 billion over the duration of Horizon 2020 on
AI-related areas (including in robotics, big data, health, transport,
future and emerging technologies).
EUR27 billion through European Structural and Investment Funds on
Skills development out of which the European Social Fund invests,
EUR2.3 billion specifically in digital skills.
EUR700 million under Horizon 2020 and EUR2.1 billion from private
investment into one of the biggest civilian research programmes of
smart robots in the world.
Horizon 2020: Open to the World
Horizon 2020 is the largest multinational programme dedicated to
research and innovation, and it is 'Open to the World.' This means
researchers, universities, research organisations and companies from
across the globe can apply to participate in the activities of the
Work Programme, carried out mainly through calls for proposals. The
Work Programme for 2018-2020 represents a major investment of EUR30
billion, with more than 600 calls for proposals, including a list of
30 international flagship initiatives in areas of mutual benefit.
Follow updates on Horizon 2020 and EU-international research
cooperation on Twitter: @EU_H2020
Press Contact:
Hendrik Steinort (Scholz & Friends)
Phone: +49 30 700 186 742
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