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12Tree Finance GmbH wins Portfolio Price of the Initiative 20x20 / Country-led initiative acknowledges extraordinary efforts in developing profitable land restauration projects for institutional inves

Geschrieben am 26-06-2019

Buenos Aires / Berlin (ots) - 12Tree Finance, a Berlin based asset
manager and operator in the area of agroforestry, was awarded the
Portfolio Award of the Initiative 20x20 at its Annual Partners
Meeting, organized by the World Resource institute, and hosted by the
Government of Argentina. The Jury praised the outstanding effort in
creating a portfolio of profitable and sustainable land restoration
projects in the very short time of two years. 12Tree group has more
than 12,000 ha of agroforestry projects under management. The award
follows an ambitious 2-year implementation cycle of institutional
ag-investment in Central- and South America. Fifteen ministers and
vice-ministers of Latin American and Caribbean countries,
representatives of 12 impact funds, and 100 technical experts were
present in Buenos Aires.

Since its inception in 2017, 12Tree already has established
projects in Costa Rica, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
Guatemala, Morocco, and Panama. Strong focus is on reforestation and
transformative large-scale cocoa production in agroforestry systems
with particular attention to sustainability and value-sharing with
local communities. 12Tree has also launched the first sustainable
cacao fund in Luxemburg, and currently a total fund commitment of
more than 200 million US$ to invest in sustainable land use projects.

Richard Focken, CEO 12Tree Finance: "We are honoured to receive
this prestigious award from the Initiative 20x20. It proves to us
that solid funding from institutional investors can and needs to be
combined with a strong ability to operate the farms and forestry
projects. This leads to accelerated efficient deployment in land
restauration, carbon sequestration and sustainable rural development.
We continue to support the efforts of Initiative 20x20 and its
partners to help countries achieve their goals.

Walter Vergara, Coordinator of the 20x20 Initiative Secretariat:
"12Tree has created an impressive portfolio of sustainable forestry
and agroforestry projects in a very short time frame, rivalled by
none in our space. The ability to deploy and implement was impressive
to our jury. We agree with 12Tree that our efforts need real-life
business cases and the countries in Latin America and the Caribbean
need visionary capital to reach their sustainable development and
carbon goals and to transform agriculture into truly sustainable and
resilient businesses." More on the projects:

About 12Tree

12Tree Finance is a pioneer in making sustainable forestry and
agroforestry projects investable for institutional investors. As an
asset manager, 12Tree specializes in identifying, structuring,
financing and managing agroforestry projects. With strong operational
experience and capabilities, the long-term objective is to create new
forest areas with a focus on Central and South America. All
plantations are operated commercially to generate sustainable
profitability and provide ecological and social benefits for local
communities. In 2018 12Tree launched the Luxemburg SAF Fund, with a
focus of modernizing cocoa farming. All projects have subscribed to
the UN Sustainability goals and 12Tree is winner of the Portfolio
price of the 20x20 Global Restoration Initiative:

About Initiative 20x20:

Initiative 20x20 is a country-led effort to change the dynamics of
land degradation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Governments,
regional programs, impact investors, and technical partners launched
Initiative 20x20 in 2014 at COP20 in Lima, to contribute to restoring
20 million hectares of degraded land by 2020. Now that the goal has
been reached and US$2.4 billion has been earmarked to finance
projects on the ground, partners are working for the region to
achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 using restoration as a key approach
to benefit economies, people and landscapes. Learn more at: Press contact: Nadia Peimbert

About the World Resource Institute:

WRI is a global research organization that spans more than 50
countries, with offices in the United States, China, India, Brazil,
Indonesia and more. Our more than 700 experts and staff work closely
with leaders to turn big ideas into action to sustain our natural
resources-the foundation of economic opportunity and human
well-being. Our work focuses on six critical issues at the
intersection of environment and development: climate, energy, food,
forests, water, and cities and transport:

Petra Kollmannsberger
12Tree Finance GmbH
Tel.: +49 30 206 142 990
Französische Straße 147
10117 Berlin

Original-Content von: 12TRee Finance GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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