New laboratory study reveals that highly-toxic hydrofluoric and hydrochloric acids are released when PTFE burns (FOTO)
Geschrieben am 28-06-2019 |
Munich / Frankfurt am Main (ots) -
The independent institute Warringtonfire Frankfurt GmbH examines
impact of incineration of PTFE, Polyurethane and Polyester membrane
grades in an open fire in accordance with EN ISO 5659-2 (NBS smoke
chamber). Given the growing global "tourism" of used clothing and
textile waste, the results of the analysis are especially critical
when it comes to product responsibility for manufacturers and
recyclers of PTFE clothing.
As part of a smoke density and smoke toxicity test of the most
common membrane materials for functional textiles in line with EN ISO
5659-2 (NBS smoke chamber), the Frankfurt-based Warringtonfire
institute detected concerning levels of highly-toxic hydrofluoric
acid (HF, up to 63 ppm) and hydrochloric acid (HCI, up to 36 ppm)
when incinerating PTFE membranes. The test is normally used to
evaluate the incineration risks of materials built into vehicle
interiors such as trains, aircraft and automobiles, as well as in
buildings. Its aim is a suitable classification to avert acute health
hazards to passengers in case of fire.
The laboratory-scale results found do correlate to burning the
amount of membrane material found in an outdoor jacket inside a
five-square-meter space. The tests suggests that when a
commercially-available functional jacket containing a PTFE membrane
burns in open fire, the quantities of hydrofluoric acid (HF) that it
emits can be deadly to any person directly exposed to the fumes for
30 to 60 minutes. Furthermore, the hydrochloric acid (HCI) that is
also released when PTFE merely burns can lead to serious lung burns
if the fumes are inhaled, potentially causing irritation and burning
of the mucous membranes and respiratory tract.
These results are particularly troublesome considering that
roughly 50% of the textiles collected around the world (this affects
some 70% of all used apparel in Germany, 50% in the UK and 15% in the
US) are sold for re-use via recycled clothing systems to low-income
third countries - a growing global business worth billions[1]. The
most common way to dispose of waste in these countries is through
(uncontrolled) waste dumps or open incineration. We can thus assume
that from a pure statistics standpoint, roughly 15 to 20% of our
clothing ends up on open incineration piles or pits in the direct
vicinity of residential areas. With longevity textiles such as
outdoor apparel, which frequently utilize one of the three tested
membrane materials, this percentage is presumably much higher given
the increased likelihood of the material enjoying an export-based
"second life."
The standardized test process determined the concentration levels
of the most common toxic fumes released through all of the three
types of membranes: Polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), Polyurethane (PU)
and Polyester.
Unsurprisingly, the test revealed that CO2, (carbon dioxide), CO
(carbon monoxide) and NOx (nitrous gases) are released, all
substances that are discharged when other organic materials such as
wood, coal and diesel fuel are burned. The researchers furthermore
discovered that all of the materials released smaller quantities of
hydrogen cyanide. While below levels that are toxic to humans, they
nevertheless correlate roughly to what one can expect while exposed
to a pub atmosphere where 15 to 25 guests have smoked 10 cigarettes
each. The levels with polyester were around one-third lower than for
the other two materials.
PTFE membranes were the only material where in addition, high
levels of HF (63 ppm) and HCI (36 ppm) were measured. The primary
path of entry for hydrofluoric acid (HF) is through the respiratory
tract and the skin. According to the EU guideline 2000/39/EC, the
occupational exposure limit as an 8h mean value is 1.8 ppm, and 3 ppm
as a short-term threshold. The IDLH value (immediately dangerous to
life or health) is set at 30 ppm. The basic assumption is that for
humans, 30 to 60 minute exposure to HF at a concentration level of 50
ppm can be fatal.
"With an economy that has become global, we must accept
responsibility on a system level as well. This means not only
applying the highest standards to our products when they are created,
but also ensuring that our products leave no dangerous traces at the
end of their life cycle. With this in mind, we have set our goal to
completely close our material loop by the year 2030. This allows us
to not only conserve raw materials, but will at the same time also
avoid potential collateral damage during the disposal process,"
explains Dr. Rüdiger Fox, CEO of Sympatex Technologies. "Still, in
light of the growing challenge of global trash tourism, which China
finally exposed around 18 months ago with its ban on the import of
plastic and textile waste, not to mention images of out-of-control
incineration piles, we cannot simply shut our eyes to the current
situation. If 40% of the global waste is incinerated in open fires
without any controls[2], then we must make sure that humans do not
end up as collateral damage. The EU directive (2008/98/EC) covering
waste handling, disposal and recycling outlines this responsibilities
of manufacturers in clear and plain language."
The entire analysis can be downloaded from the Sympatex Newsroom
About Sympatex
Guaranteed Green - The Sympatex climate-neutral and recyclable
membrane As one of the worldwide leading producers, Sympatex®
Technologies has been a synonym for high-tech functional materials in
clothing, footwear, accessories and technical fields of application
since 1986. Together with selected partners, Sympatex develops,
produces and distributes membranes, laminates and functional textiles
as well as finished products worldwide. The Sympatex membrane is
highly breathable, 100% wind- and waterproof and regulates the
climate. It is 100% recyclable, climate-neutral, bluesign® certified,
and it received the 'Öko-Tex-Standard 100' certificate. It is also
PTFE-free and PFC-free. The technologies and procedures are based on
the principles of ecological responsibility and sustainability with a
special focus on the optimal carbon footprint. Sympatex is
represented worldwide with sales offices and branches.
[1: UN 2015 Global Waste Mgmt Outlook: 1.26 bln. $ (2001)
respectively 2.5 bln. US$ (2009)]
[2: National Center of Atmospheric Research (NCAR)]
Sympatex Technologies GmbH
Sonja Zajontz
Feringastraße 7A
85774 Unterföhring
T +49 (0)89 940058 439
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