EANS-News: AT&S is the global number one for high-end printed circuit boards
Geschrieben am 03-07-2019 |
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- 20 Jahre erfolgreich an der Börse mit führenden Technologien
- Vom Technikunternehmen zum weltweit führenden Technologiekonzern
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Leoben - AT&S has just achieved two significant milestones: On the one hand, the
company is the globally leading supplier of high-end printed circuit boards
(HDI, High Density Interconnect) according to the figures of the industry expert
Prismark for 2018. On the other hand, AT&S is celebrating its successful initial
public offering (IPO) 20 years ago and its equally positive development over two
Ever more complex, high-density and powerful systems with the corresponding
electronic circuits require printed circuit boards designed to meet these needs.
These requirements are addressed with high-end products such as the HDI
technology. Such technologies offer advantages including higher circuit density,
better characteristics for electrical behaviour and signal transmission, short
signal paths and good electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and interference
immunity, making the high-quality products more powerful, more reliable, lighter
and more compact. Typical applications include smartphones, tablets, wearables,
automotive and storage products, industrial electronics, but also future 5G
However, these high-end technologies place increased demands on design and
manufacturing. This is where AT&S contributes its extensive know-how, combined
with its high research and development performance and an early strategic focus
on high-quality and highly advanced products. The market researchers of Prismark
see AT&S as the number one for the HDI market segment in 2018 with a share of
more than 830 million US dollars. HDI products account for roughly 15 percent of
the entire global printed circuit board market.
20 years on the stock exchange
The leading position of AT&S for HDI printed circuit boards underpins the
strategic orientation focusing on high-end products. AT&S offers a wide range of
advanced solutions for customers in the mobile devices, automotive electronics,
medical technology, industrial electronics and semiconductor industries. Against
this background, AT&S not only carried out a successful IPO, but recorded an
equally successful company development with a continuous dividend policy for its
shareholders. Since the IPO, revenue increased from EUR 151 million (end of
1998/99) to more than EUR 1 billion, and the headcount rose from roughly 1,900
(end of 1998/99) to 9,800.
The initial public offering of AT&S took place in the Neuer Markt segment in
Frankfurt in July 1999, thus celebrating its 20-year anniversary. In spring 2008
the decision was made to transfer to the Vienna Stock Exchange. At the same
time, the termination of the listing and the revocation of the admission of AT&S
shares to the Regulated Market at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange were initiated.
On the Vienna Stock Exchange the share has been a member of the ATX index since
March 2018.
AT&S will continue to develop and offer powerful solutions for the growing
demands in dynamic markets such as e-mobility, automated/autonomous driving, 5G
mobile communication, modern medical technology and the semiconductor industry
in the future. At the same time, the company is undergoing a transformation to
become a provider of comprehensive interconnect solutions with products and
technologies that go far beyond pure printed circuit boards. This is considered
a great opportunity to evolve fundamentally on different levels in order to
reach a significantly larger market with high global growth rates. Customers can
be served on an even broader basis with higher value creation potential while
new areas of application can be opened up. To this end, AT&S uses its existing
expertise and technologies, expanding them with appropriate investments.
Further inquiry note:
Gerda Königstorfer
Director Investor Relations & Communications
Tel: +43 3842 200 5925;
Mobile +43 676 8955 5925
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft
Fabriksgasse 13
A-8700 Leoben
phone: 03842 200-0
mail: ir@ats.net
WWW: www.ats.net
ISIN: AT0000969985
indexes: WBI, ATX GP, VÖNIX
stockmarkets: Wien
language: English
Original-Content von: AT & S Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik Aktiengesellschaft, übermittelt durch news aktuell
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