EANS-Adhoc: ANDRITZ affiliate Schuler adjusts capacities to the weakness of the
international automotive market
Geschrieben am 29-07-2019 |
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Company Information
Graz - JULY 29, 2019. Due to the weakness of the international automotive market
and the resulting low investment activity by car manufacturers and their
suppliers, international technology Group ANDRITZ will adjust its manufacturing
capacities and cost structures in Germany in the Metals Forming segment
(Schuler), as announced, in line with the difficult and strongly changing market
conditions. A corresponding cost-cutting and action plan, implementation of
which is now being discussed with the relevant employee representatives, has
been adopted by the Schuler Executive Board.
In order to maintain competitiveness on the international market for presses and
press lines in the long term, a further reduction of manufacturing capacities
and of around 500 people in Germany - mainly in manufacturing - is necessary at
the Schuler Group (member of the ANDRITZ GROUP). The reductions required are to
be implemented with the greatest possible social compatibility.
The headcount at Schuler in Germany was already adjusted in recent years to the
difficult market conditions. Schuler currently has around 6,500 employees
worldwide, with just under 4,200 in Germany.
The total extraordinary expenses for these measures amount to approximately 85
million euros (MEUR), approximately 70% of which are cash-effective, while the
remainder relates to depreciation of fixed assets (machinery and buildings) in
connection with the reduction of manufacturing capacities. The provisions for
these expenses will be booked in the 3rd quarter of 2019 and will thus have a
negative impact on the earnings of the ANDRITZ GROUP in the 2019 business year.
In addition, an impairment of goodwill will be recorded in the amount of around
25 MEUR.
First savings resulting from these measures are expected as from the second half
of 2020, and profitability at Schuler is expected to improve gradually as from
2021. In combination with the 2018 restructuring program that is already
underway, cost savings of around 60 MEUR are expected compared to the current
business year. These savings should become effective in the full amount as of
the 2022 business year.
Wolfgang Leitner, President and CEO of ANDRITZ AG: "The planned measures are
painful but necessary because, from today's perspective, there are no signs of a
sustained recovery on the international automotive market and the automotive
sector is undergoing a major transformational process. It is absolutely
essential that we adjust our cost and manufacturing structures accordingly in
order to ensure Schuler's competitiveness in the long term."
- End -
This insider information is available for download at andritz.com/news [http://
Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Corporate Communications
ANDRITZ is an international technology group providing plants, systems,
equipment, and services for various industries. The company is one of the
technology and global market leaders in the hydropower business, the pulp and
paper industry, the metal working and steel industries, and in solid/liquid
separation in the municipal and industrial segments. Other important fields of
business are animal feed and biomass pelleting, as well as automation, where
ANDRITZ offers a wide range of innovative products and services in the IIoT
(Industrial Internet of Things) sector under the brand name of Metris. In
addition, the company is active in power generation (steam boiler plants,
biomass power plants, recovery boilers, and gasification plants) and
environmental technology (flue gas and exhaust gas cleaning plants) and offers
equipment for the production of nonwovens, dissolving pulp, and panelboard, as
well as recycling plants.
ANDRITZ stands for passion, partnership, perspectives and versatility - core
values to which the company is committed. The listed Group is headquartered in
Graz, Austria. With almost 170 years of experience, over 29,000 employees, and
more than 280 locations in over 40 countries worldwide, ANDRITZ is a reliable
and competent partner and helps its customers to achieve their corporate and
sustainability goals.
Further inquiry note:
Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Investor Relations and Communications
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465
end of announcement euro adhoc
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language: English
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