
AGNITAS: Email Marketing and Automation for Free with OpenEMM 2019

Geschrieben am 09-08-2019

Munich (ots) - AGNITAS releases OpenEMM 2019, the all new
GDPR-compliant version of its popular open source software for the
automation of e-mail communication in marketing, sales and

AGNITAS AG provides a powerful update for OpenEMM, the world's
most popular[1] open source software for e-mail marketing and
automation. With OpenEMM 2019, the provider of professional services
and software for e-mail marketing and marketing automation offers a
completely revised user interface with lots of new features. For
example, a visual campaign manager allows the convenient design of
trigger-based, multi-level campaigns with reaction-dependent
execution paths. On top of that there a numerous new statistic charts
and diagrams. OpenEMM 2019 also includes a number of new features
that enable companies to ensure that they communicate with their
customers, subscribers and prospects in a GDPR-compliant manner -
free of charge forever thanks to an open source license.

Martin Aschoff, founder and CEO of AGNITAS AG: "We are not
expecting any gifts for our 20th company anniversary, but we are
presenting a gift ourselves with OpenEMM 2019. OpenEMM 2019 is not
only permanently free of charge, so that also small companies,
agencies and associations can afford it. The software also frees
users from their dependence on cloud operators with uncertain
locations and security concepts, so that the users themselves can
decide where and how their data is stored. On the one hand, this
independence from third parties and the disclosure of the source code
ensures a maximum of data security. On the other hand, it allows the
customization and integration of the software for individual

OpenEMM 2019 is a professional web-based software solution for the
automation of email communication. The application is equally
suitable for newsletters, multi-level campaigns, transaction emails,
service emails or autoresponders. With the help of the visually
intuitive campaign manager, users can even plan complex email
campaigns. This means that emails can be triggered either by a
specific date or by a specific action such as an online order, a
subscription or a service request.

The web service interface of OpenEMM has been further extended to
allow automated access to the OpenEMM 2019 functionality through
third party applications such as CMS or CRM systems. In order to
improve data exchanges on file level, numerous new functions have
been added to data import and export.

OpenEMM 2019 includes a stand-alone installation tool for setting
up, configuring and updating the software on inexpensive Linux
servers. Thanks to an OVA version, OpenEMM 2019 can also be installed
under Windows or other operating systems via the open source
VirtualBox(TM) virtualization. OpenEMM 2019 uses the well-known
Affero General Public License (AGPLv3). The development process at
AGNITAS allows for ongoing bug fixes and patches as well as software
updates every six months.

For OpenEMM 2019, there is a comprehensive manual and a
context-related help function available in both German and English
language. Users can also use the free support forum to exchange
tricks and tips as well as to discuss problems. With the option of a
seamless migration of all data and campaigns to the big brother "EMM
Inhouse", users can easily switch to AGNITAS' commercial email
marketing solution. This enables them to enjoy all the advantages of
local support directly from the manufacturer with identical GUI
handling, but even more functionality and unlimited scalability.

OpenEMM 2019 (binaries) is available for download at:

The source code can now be downloaded from GitHub.com:

Notes for editors

You can find screenshots of OpenEMM 2019 here:

(IC: "The OpenEMM 2019 dashboard provides an overview of all central
functions and metrics.")

.png (IC: "The campaign manager of the OpenEMM 2019 allows the
creation of multi-level campaigns.")

VirtualBoxTM is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation.

[1]: Demonstrated by well over 600,000 downloads at Sourceforge.net.
Source: http://ots.de/ZiSkKA

Manuela Maier
Phone: +49 89 5529 08-0
Email: mmeier@agnitas.de

Original-Content von: Agnitas AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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