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Breakthrough 2020: ArisGlobal Announces Virtual Event for Life Sciences R&D Professionals Set for October 2020

Geschrieben am 06-10-2020

Miami, Fla. (ots/PRNewswire) - The two-day online summit features keynotes from leading voices in life sciences, panel discussions, and product innovation showcases throughout the event

ArisGlobal, the leading provider of a SaaS platform that automates core product development functions for over 300 global life sciences companies, today announced Breakthrough 2020 ( . The virtual two-day event, set for October 28th and 29th, 2020, is designed to bring together members of the life sciences industry to discuss the innovation and digital transformation trends that are driving product development forward.

The life sciences industry has always played a vital role in society. With the global pandemic placing public health front and center, bringing the industry together to share ideas and innovations has never been more important. Breakthrough is one-of-a-kind event that's tailored for life sciences professionals across R&D, including drug safety, clinical operations & data management, regulatory affairs, medical affairs, procurement and IT practitioners. Featuring an array of carefully curated keynotes, panels and demos, Breakthrough 2020 will enable access to industry experts in the field and an on-demand library of valuable content. The virtual event also gives participants the opportunity to hear directly from some of ArisGlobal's top customers.

Day 1 of Breakthrough2020 is headlined by a keynote presentation by renowned futurist Dr. Daniel Kraft, Chair of Medicine at Singularity University and Founder and Chair of Exponential Medicine. The opening day also includes innovation-focused sessions led by Dr. Rob Scott, former Chief Medical Officer of AbbVie, Dr. Georgia Papathomas, former SVP and Global Head of Data Sciences at Johnson & Johnson, and Vita Cassese, former CIO of Pfizer's Worldwide Pharmaceuticals Group. The day 2 agenda dives deeper into specific domains with exciting conversations across Drug Safety, Medical Affairs, Regulatory Affairs and Clinical development tracks. Breakthrough 2020 promises to be an inspiring, thought-provoking experience for all attendees.

Sankesh Abbhi, President and CEO of ArisGlobal and one of the key speakers at this year's event, is looking at the bigger picture. "The global pandemic has highlighted the key role that technology can play in accelerating the development of safer, more effective treatments. At Breakthrough 2020, we look forward to bringing together leaders from across the industry to discuss innovations that will improve the lives of patients around the world."

Registration for Breakthrough 2020 is now open to all life sciences R&D professionals. Attendance is complimentary.

To learn more about Breakthrough 2020 and register for the event, visit:

About ArisGlobal

ArisGlobal is transforming the way today's most successful Life Sciences companies develop breakthroughs and bring new products to market. Our end-to-end drug development technology platform, LifeSphere®, integrates our proprietary Nava® cognitive computing engine to automate all core functions of the drug development lifecycle. Designed with deep expertise and a long-term perspective that spans more than 30 years, LifeSphere® is a unified platform that boosts efficiency, ensures compliance, delivers actionable insights, and lowers total cost of ownership through multi-tenant SaaS architecture.

Headquartered in the United States, ArisGlobal has regional offices in Europe, India, Japan and China. For more updates, follow ArisGlobal on LinkedIn ( and Twitter ( .

Additional Information

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Additional content: OTS: ArisGlobal

Original-Content von: ArisGlobal, übermittelt durch news aktuell


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