Sennheiser Communications Launch a Global Online Talent Contest, With Their 'Artist of the Month' Web Competition, Judged by Famous Producer Mousse T
Geschrieben am 16-07-2009 |
Copenhagen (ots/PRNewswire) -
- Looking for New Music - Call for Entries
As more and more people listen to music on their MP3 mobile phones and iPhones, the music quality of the headset becomes more and more important. So to promote their new range of high-quality music headsets and their Mobile Music Microsite, Sennheiser Communications have decided to foster and publicise new music, with a global online talent contest.
(Logo: )
(Photo: )
Famous producer Mousse T. (e.g. Tom Jones's Sexbomb) of Peppermint Park studios is totally convinced by the outstanding quality of our Mobile Music Headsets and has agreed to judge submissions for the 'Artist of the Month Award' (see profile below).
Each month the winner will be featured on the Sennheiser Communications' Mobile Music Microsite, with a full artist profile, publicity photos and more. Three songs by the winner will be available for free for public download and the visitors will vote for these as "Song of the Month". Voters will be entered into a competition to win valuable Sennheiser Communications prizes each month.
The winning artist will receive extensive publicity, helping to kick-start their music career, following Sennheiser's long tradition of endorsing supported artists before they become famous. This competition is a great way to break through for musicians that do not want to go through mainstream media and TV shows, such as American Idol, as offering tracks for free download is now an accepted way for musicians to get early recognition and acquire a fan base.
It's all about good music!
Any musician anywhere can enter, all they have to do is register on the Sennheiser Communications' Mobile Music Microsite and send in their music.
The artists prizes - A full month of publicity as 'Artist of the Month' on Sennheiser Communications' Mobile Music Microsite - A full website biography, music showcase and links to the artist's website - A years coverage on our Mobile Music Microsite - A global press campaign publicising the winner - Three tracks by the winner will be available for free download by the public - Participation in the competition "Artist of the Year 2009"
Vote and win
All site visitors can vote for their favourite song and win some great Mobile Music Headsets from Sennheiser Communications. There will be three monthly prizes, such as the best-selling MM 50 for iPhone or Nokia. The contest will be repeated every month as each new artist is featured, so there are many opportunities to win.
Judge: Remix talent Mousse T. judges Artist Of The Month
Noted producer Mustafa Gundogdu, better known as Mousse T., already had a string of international successes before Peppermint Park Studios opened. His own hit single Horny sold over 10 million copies worldwide and made him one of the most successful producers. Musical giants the likes of Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Gloria Estefan, Backstreet Boys, Simply Red, No Angels, Fine Young Cannibals and Moloko have all given permission for him to arrange new versions of their hits. His remix work made him the first German to receive a Grammy nomination in this category. Mousse T. then went on to gain major international recognition as a songwriter and music producer with the hit single Sexbomb, which he wrote exclusively for Tom Jones in 1999. Today, with his record label Peppermint Jam, he produces primarily club-oriented pop music with strong jazz and soul influences. He is particularly keen to encourage the development of new artists such as Emma Lanford and Sharon Phillips yet he also continues to enjoy international success with his remixes for hit artists such as Timbaland and Missy Elliott. And the secret of his success? Mousse T. describes his philosophy as: "I am a music lover with a sense of humour who gives more than one hundred percent for his love".
"I have worked with Sennheiser for many years in a professional category and am delighted to see them bring their level of quality to the mobile music market"
About Sennheiser Communications
Sennheiser Communications is the result of a joint venture between the electro acoustics specialist Sennheiser Electronic GmbH & Co. KG, and the hearing healthcare specialist William Demant Holding Group. Decades of experience in pro music and hearing healthcare have helped the five-year-old company produce award-winning, innovative headsets.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: Sennheiser Communications A/S Anke Cebulla 6 Langager 2680 Solrod Strand Denmark Phone +45-5618-0000 Fax +45-5618-0099 e-mail:
ots Originaltext: Sennheiser Communications A/S Im Internet recherchierbar:
Contact: For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact: Sennheiser Communications A/S, Anke Cebulla, 6 Langager, 2680 Solrod Strand, Denmark, Phone +45-5618-0000, Fax +45-5618-0099, e-mail:
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