EANS-News: CompuGROUP Holding AG / Decision Support: For Greater Efficiency and Quality in the Healthcare System
Geschrieben am 22-10-2009 |
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Company Information/European Health Congress
Koblenz (euro adhoc) - CompuGROUP Holding AG, a leading global provider of eHealth, envisions greater efficiency in the healthcare system through the comprehensive utilization of Decision Support Systems. Chief Medical Officer Prof. Dr. med. Stefan F. Winter is participating in a panel discussion of this topic at the European Health Congress in Munich.
Quality and efficiency play a central role in patient care. On average, a German physician only has 7.6 minutes to make the right decision (compared to 15.6 minutes in Switzerland), which is often not enough to recognize and react accordingly to complex subjects. As a consequence, 2.8 of the 470 million prescriptions issued annually present a danger to patients. Status of political discussions is that hospital care is necessary as the result of 846,000 prescriptions. Wrong prescriptions cause up to 16,000 deaths annually and create unnecessary costs in excess of 500 million Euro.
Often, lack of information about the patient's medical history is the reason therefore. With Decision Support Systems, CompuGroup makes relevant medical information available in the right place at the right time, based on the respective patient's medical file. The eHealth provider wants to achieve an important goal with the utilization of intelligent software: a 15% increase in the efficiency of the healthcare system, i.e. a true increase in efficiency with significant simultaneous cost savings!
"Decision Support is the new, third pillar in the healthcare system and the deciding factor in successfully supporting service providers", explains CompuGROUP's Chief Medical Officer Prof. Dr. med. Stefan F. Winter. "Medical knowledge is constantly growing, but also confronts physicians with a virtual flood of information. This is precisely where Decision Support comes in: it makes the appropriate options available to physicians from the huge array of medical knowledge. It does that in a timely manner within the physician information system. This system is used intensively for more than 336 minutes daily by 81% of physicians. We call that valuable support, equally benefiting the physician, as well as the patient.
The European Healthcare Congress takes place in Munich from October 22 to 23. This year, international participants from the hospital and rehabilitation sector as well as insurance, politics and economy will discuss the topic "Setting the Course for the Healthcare System". CompuGROUP's Chief Medical Officer Prof. Dr. med. Stefan F. Winter will give a lecture during the panel discussion "Invest Today, Benefit Tomorrow - Through Medical Decision Support" on October 23, from 11:00 am -12:30 pm in ballroom A.
About CompuGROUP Holding AG CompuGROUP is one of the leading e-health companies in the world. Its software products designed to support medical and organizational activities in physicians' surgeries and hospitals, its information services for all parties involved in the health sector and its Web-based personal medical files contribute to the development of a more reliable and efficient health service system. The basis for the services offered by CompuGROUP is an unparalleled customer base comprising some 326,000 physicians, dentists, hospitals and networks, as well as other service providers. CompuGROUP is the e-health company with the widest global reach among service providers. The firm operates in 14 European countries, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and the U.S. and currently employs roughly 2,800 people.
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ots Originaltext: CompuGROUP Holding AG Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de
Further inquiry note:
Barbara Zörner
Tel.: 0261-8000 1293
E-Mail: bzo@compugroup.com
Branche: Software ISIN: DE0005437305 WKN: 543730 Börsen: Frankfurt / regulated dealing/prime standard Berlin / free trade Hamburg / free trade Stuttgart / free trade Düsseldorf / free trade München / free trade
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