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Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Announces Hardware Specification of PLAYSTATION(R)3 for Europe

Geschrieben am 23-02-2007

London (ots/PRNewswire) - Sony Computer Entertainment Europe
(SCEE) today announced that PLAYSTATION(R)3 (PS3(TM)) to be launched
in Europe, Middle East, Africa and Australasia on 23rd March 2007
would utilise a new hardware specification.

The European PS3 will feature the Cell Broadband Engine(TM), 60 GB
hard disc drive, Blu-ray Disc player, built-in Wi-Fi connectivity,
SIXAXIS(TM) wireless controller. It also embodies a new combination
of hardware and software emulation which will enable PS3 to be
compatible with a broad range of original PlayStation(R) (PS) titles
and a limited range of PlayStation(R)2 (PS2) titles.

"PS3 is first and foremost a system that excels in playing games
specifically designed to exploit the power and potential of the PS3
system," said David Reeves, President of SCEE. "Games designed for
PS3 offer incredible graphics quality, stunning gameplay and
massively improved audio and video fidelity that is simply not
achievable with PS and PS2 games. Rather than concentrate on PS2
backwards compatibility, in the future, company resources will be
increasingly focused on developing new games and entertainment
features exclusively for PS3, truly taking advantage of this exciting

Some additional PS2 titles will become compatible on the PS3
system through regular downloadable firmware updates, which will be
made available through the PLAYSTATION(R)Network, from
www.playstation.com or via PS3 game discs, with the first update
planned for the launch date of the 23rd March 2007.

Users will be able to check whether their titles are compatible
with PS3 at http://faq.eu.playstation.com/bc. This site will be
available on 23rd March to meet launch day.

European PLAYSTATION 3 Product Specification

Product Name PLAYSTATION(R)3 Computer Entertainment System
Product Codes Europe, Middle East and Africa: CECHC04
UK and Ireland: CECHC03
Australia/New Zealand: CECHC02
Russia/India: CECHC08
CPU Cell Broadband Engine(TM)
Audio Dolby Digital 5.1 ch, DTS 5.1 ch, LPCM 7.1
ch, AAC, others(1,2)
AAC Dolby 5.1ch, DTS, LPCM, etc. (Cell-base
Memory 256 MB XDR Main RAM, 256 MB GDDR3 VRAM
Hard Disk HDD 2.5" Serial ATA - 60GB
Inputs/Outputs(3) USB 4 x Hi-speed USB2.0
Memory Supports standard/Duo size, MagicGate(TM),
Stick(TM) Memory Stick PRO(TM) and high speed data
slot transmission
SD Memory Copyright-protection function is not
Card slot supported
CF slot (Type I, II), Microdrive
Networking Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T) x 1
Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11 b/g
Bluetooth Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR)
Wireless Controller SIXAXIS(TM) Wireless Controller
Built-in rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery
Voltage - DC 3.7V
Battery capacity - 610 m/Ah
Weight - Approx 136g
AV Output Resolution 576i, 576p, 720p,
1080i, 1080p
HDMI HDMI (supports Deeep
Color / Ver 1.3a) x1
Analog AV MULTI Out connector
x 1
Digital Digital out (optical)
audio connector x 1
Disc media CD PlayStation(R) CD-ROM
(i) read only
PlayStation(R)2 CD-ROM(4)
CD-DA (audio CD) CD-DA (ROM), CD-R,
Super Audio CD
DVD PlayStation(R)2 DVD-ROM(4)
BD-Video BD-ROM, BD-R,
(i)BD-RE version 1.0
is not supported
BD/DVD/CD drive maximum BD x 2 (BD-ROM), DVD x 8 (DVD-ROM), CD x 24
read rates (CD-ROM)
Dimensions Approximately 325mm (W) x 98mm (H) x 274mm
(excluding maximum
projecting part)
Weight Approximately 5Kg

1. A device compatible with Linear PCM 7.1 Ch is required to
output 7.1 ch audio, supported by Dolby TrueHD or a similar format,
from the HDMI OUT connector.

2. This system does not support output from the DTS-HD 7.1 Ch.
DTS-HD 7.1 Ch audio is output from a 5.1 or lower channel.

3. Usability of all storage media types is not guaranteed.

4. Certain PlayStation 2 format software titles may not perform
properly on this system. Visit faq.eu.playstation.com/bc for the
latest information regarding compatible titles

Legal Notes:

- Storage media ("Memory Stick", SD memory card, and
CompactFlash(R)) are sold separately.

- "Dolby" is a trademark of Dolby Laboratories.

- "DTS" is a trademark of DTS, Inc.

- Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is an authorized licensee
of the CompactFlash(R) trademark.

- HDMI, the HDMI logo and High-Definition Multimedia Interface
are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC.

- "Blu-ray Disc" is a trademark.

- The Bluetooth word mark is owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
and any use of such mark by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is under

- "Memory Stick" is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

- "Super Audio CD" is a trademark.

- "PlayStation", "PLAYSTATION" and "PSP" are registered trademarks
of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Also, "Cell Broadband Engine" and
"RSX" are trademarks of the same company.

Notes to Editors:

About Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE), based in London, is
responsible for the distribution, marketing and sales of
PLAYSTATION(R)3, PlayStation(R)2 and PSP(R) (PlayStation(R)Portable)
software and hardware in 102 territories across Europe, the Middle
East, Africa and Oceania. SCEE also develops, publishes, markets and
distributes entertainment software for these formats, and manages the
third party licensing programs for the formats in these territories.
Between its European debut on 24th November 2000 and the end of
December 2006, over 44 million PlayStation 2 consoles have been
shipped across the SCEE territories, over 115 million worldwide,
making it one of the most successful consumer electronic products in
history. Between its European debut on 1st September 2005 and the end
of December 2006, over 8 million PSP systems have been shipped across
the SCEE territories, with over 24 million shipped worldwide since
its Japanese launch in December 2004.

More information about PlayStation products can be found at
www.playstation.com and www.yourpsp.com or visit the Virtual Press
Office at www.scee.presscentre.com.

PlayStation, PSP and the PlayStation logo are registered
trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. UMD (Universal Media
Disc) is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All other
trademarks are property of their respective owners.

ots Originaltext: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de

For further information please contact: Nick Sharples
(nick_sharples@scee.net) or Nick Caplin (nick_caplin@scee.net), Sony
Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd, Tel: +44-207-859-5301(5349) Fax:


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