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Competence and Expertise Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services at Intersolar in Munich

Geschrieben am 31-05-2011

Hamburg (ots) - From June 8 to 10, 2011 Intersolar Europe will be
the meeting point of the international solar energy industry on the
site of the Neue Messe in Munich. The demand from this booming
industry is to be covered in 15 exhibition halls.

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, exhibiting this year in
Hall B5, is a company which is able to offer the solar energy sector
a wide range of services and solutions.

Bureau Veritas (BV) offers various Supply Chain Quality and Risk
Management solutions supporting manufacturers, importers, wholesalers
and retailers worldwide.

In particular, in the solar sector BV offers services such as
product testing (also during the development phase), certification,
approvals and training.

The route from concept to finished product is usually long and
expensive. It is therefore very important that a product?s entry into
the market goes smoothly. Any redesign is costly and very
time-consuming, and can be avoided. Bureau Veritas supports its
customers from concept, through initial design to finished product.

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services offers services for
product safety and grid approval of solar inverters, EMC testing and
solar certifications, as well as:

- risk analysis and conformity assessment
- technical assistance during the development phase
- testing and certification of electrical and non-electrical devices
and installations
- international approvals (USA, Canada, Asia, Australia etc.
- EMC testing (electromagnetic compatibility)
- MTBF calculations
- Approvals for Photovoltaic systems/components
- grid-connected inverters
product safety (EN 50178, IEC/EN 62109, AS 3100)
- switching , connection boxes
- monitoring systems (ENS, etc.)
- tracking systems
- approval of grid-connected generators
- VDEW Low Voltage Directive
- BDEW Medium Voltage Directive
- grid compatibility, grid safety (VDE 0126-1-1, RD 1663, DK
5940, AS 4777, etc.)
- training

Compared to the previous year, Intersolar is occupying three
additional halls. Over an exhibition area of 165,000 m² the
organisers are expecting more than 2,000 international exhibitors.
One segment that has grown considerably is that of inverter and
system providers.

The special show PV ENERGY WORLD is being held for the first time.
The will be the possibilities of grid integration (i.e. the feeding
of the electricity obtained from solar power into the electricity
grid and the storage of this solar energy), the energy mix of the
future in Germany and the role of photovoltaics. The abundance of
innovations presented from the fields of photovoltaics, PV production
technology and solar heating are supplemented by an extensive
supporting programme.

Bureau Veritas Bureau Veritas is the world's second-largest group
in conformity, assessment and certification. Created in 1828, the
group has more than 40,000 employees in 950 offices and 330
laboratories in 140 countries. Bureau Veritas? helps its clients to
improve their performance by offering services and innovative
solutions to ensure that their products, infrastructure and processes
meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and
safety, environmental protection, and social responsibility. The
company is listed on Euronext Paris (Department A, Code ISIN FR
0006174348, share symbol: BVI).

The Bureau Veritas? Consumer Products Services Division is a
leading provider of solutions and services in quality assurance for
the consumer goods and retail markets. The division offers an
extensive range of specialised services, including consulting,
product testing, inspection, and training for a wide variety of
products. These include hard goods, toys and juvenile products,
textiles, electrical and electronic products, and health, beauty and
household products. Bureau Veritas is recognised and accredited by
major national and international organisations. Further information
is available at .

Reprint free of charge / copy requested

Further information is available from:
BUREAU VERITAS Consumer Products Services Germany GmbH
Tel. +49 (0) 40 / 740 41 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 40 / 740 41 ? 1199


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