DEKRA acquires French AutoContact Group / Global presence in used car management (mit Bild)
Geschrieben am 12-07-2011 |
Bordeaux / Stuttgart (ots) -
- Used car services at locations in 17 countries in future
- Acquisition strengthens regional and content coverage
- Customers to benefit from uniform standards worldwide
The global expert organisation DEKRA is acquiring all shares in
the French used car specialist AutoContact Holding SAS, Bordeaux. The
purchase agreement was signed on July 7 in Bordeaux. The company is
one of the leading European providers in used car management. Its
customers include renowned vehicle manufacturers, leasing companies,
vehicle rental operators and dealers. AutoContact employs 430 staff
and forecasts revenues of around EUR 63 million in 2011.
"With the acquisition of AutoContact we are now placing our
growing used car management business on an even broader international
basis," commented Stefan Kölbl, Chairman of the Management Board of
DEKRA e.V. and DEKRA SE. "Together with our new French subsidiary, we
are now European market leader also in this automotive segment."
"With our broad service portfolio along the entire value chain,
DEKRA and our company complement each other perfectly," emphasised
Frédéric Schmitt, CEO of the AutoContact Group. "We have more than 25
years of experience in the used car management sectors of
documentation, logistics coordination, technology, marketing, sales
support and IT. Our proven cooperation with DEKRA Automotive in
France is now culminating in a partnership that offers us new
prospects for internationalisation under the strong DEKRA brand."
Clemens Klinke, Board member at DEKRA SE responsible for the
Automotive division, anticipates "an important strengthening of
regional and content coverage" from the collaboration between DEKRA
and AutoContact. "From now on, we can offer our customers a full
portfolio in the area of used car management."
DEKRA and AutoContact are jointly active in used car management
services in 17 countries. While DEKRA operates beyond Europe in the
US, Brazil and China, the French company has a clear focus on Europe
and serves customers in a total of 20 countries from nine locations.
In particular, DEKRA and AutoContact intend to coordinate their
processes for IT solutions and services offerings. Services in all
areas of used car management are to be expanded globally through the
DEKRA network.
DEKRA is one of the world's leading expert organisations. The
company currently operates in more than 50 countries. Some 25,000
staff work to ensure sustained safety, quality and environmental
protection. DEKRA SE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and
is responsible for the company's operational business. The DEKRA
business units Automotive, Industrial and Personnel provide skilled
and innovative services in the fields of vehicle inspections, expert
appraisals, international claims management, consulting, industrial
and product testing, certifications, environmental protection,
qualifications and temporary work in addition to outplacement and
recruitment. In 2010, DEKRA generated revenues of EUR 1.86 billion.
About AutoContact
The AutoContact Group is a European service provider. It today
serves customers in more than 20 European countries from nine
locations. Its range of services covers the entire B2B used car
lifecycle. AutoContact currently manages around 310,000 vehicles. Its
services are bundled in three business units. AutoContact Services
handles used car management for manufacturers and organises returns
and processes prior to sales. AutoContact Business offers marketing
and sales promotion solutions. AutoContact Networks optimises used
car management at dealer networks. The Group employs around 430
people and generated revenues of more than EUR 56 million in 2010.
Alexander Föll
Tel.: (07 11) 78 61 - 27 39
Fax: (07 11) 78 61 - 27 00
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