Turkey's Turkcell Gets the 2012 Global Mobile Awards for its Innovation That Marks a Global First
Geschrieben am 02-03-2012 |
Istanbul, Turkey (ots/PRNewswire) -
Turkcell , the leading communications and technology company's
T?kla Konu? "Click to Talk" application has been awarded "The best
product" at the 2012 Global Mobile Awards, which defines the leaders
of mobile communications.
With its Click to Talk application, which is a global first,
Turkcell has been the only operator to add Turkey's name to the
"winners list" during the GSMA Mobile Congress in Barcelona.
Turkey's leading communications and technology company Turkcell
has been ranked first in the "Best Network Product or Solution for
Serving Customers" category, leaving behind five major rivals.
Turkcell's Click to Talk application enables Turkcell customers to
make calls without having to see or dial each other's phone numbers
with a click on a button on Facebook. Turkcell customers can make
calls on Gezenzi.com [https://mail.turkcell.com.tr/owa/redir.aspx?C=
1eb2c08c639d438ea1f215570763c481&URL=http%3a%2f%2fGezenzi.com ] ,
gncPlay, Yonja.com, Rocconect and Turkcell Online Transaction Center
with Click to Talk. So far, this application has more than 100,000
users on Facebook and calls realized through mobile handsets have
reached 2.5 million minutes.
One of the most prestigious awards of the GSM sector, the Global
Mobile Awards of the World GSM Association (GSMA) were granted in 8
categories and 31 branches this year. For this year's award, which
had 600 applicants and 158 finalists, Turkcell has been the nominee
for "The best mobile money innovation" and "Best Technology Product
or Solution for Safeguarding and Empowering Customers" awards in
addition to "Best Network Product or Solution for Serving Customers".
Emphasizing that Click to Talk is a global first, Turkcell CEO
Sureyya Ciliv went on to say that the "Global Mobile Awards is a
certificate that all actors in the area of mobile communication
technologies all over the world, eagerly await. This year, Turkcell
has been given the "honour" by the GSMA. Turkcell, which is an
innovation leader in technology in Turkey, has once again proven with
this award that it has the skills to sign global firsts and bests.
Another point of honor is that we had Turkey's name written on the
"winners list" with this award. We are working hard for Turkey to
become a country that produces the technology, rather than importing
it, and we are pleased to see that our efforts bear fruits. Click to
Talk is a real innovation. We, as Turkcell, are the natural
supporters of the innovation concept and that we believe new and
innovative ideas are meaningful when they turn into economic value. I
thank all Turkcell employees who contribute to realize Click to Talk
and the entire Turkcell community who become familiar with and use
this service rapidly."
Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in
Turkey, with 34.5 million subscribers and a market share of
approximately 53% as of December 31, 2011 (Source: Operator's
announcements as of December 31). Turkcell is a leading regional
player, with market leadership in five of the nine countries in which
it operates with its approximately 64.8 million subscribers as of
December 31, 2011. The company covers approximately 88% of the
Turkish population through its 3G and 99.13% through its 2G
technology supported network. It has become one of the first among
the global operators to have implemented HSDPA+ and achieved a 43.2
Mbps speed using the HSPA multi carrier solution. Turkcell reported a
TRY9.4 billion (US$5.6 billion) net revenue with total assets of
TRY17.2 billion (US$9.1 billion) as of December 31, 2011. It has been
listed on the NYSE and the ISE since July 2000, and is the only
NYSE-listed company in Turkey.
Read more at http://www.turkcell.com.tr
You can now follow the most up-to-date Turkcell developments on
twitter by clicking on the link below.
For further information please contact Turkcell
Nihat Narin, Division Head of Investor and International Media Relations
Tel: +90-212-313-1244
Email: nihat.narin@turkcell.com.tr
Banu Uzgur, International Media Relations Manager
Tel: +90-212-313-1506
Email: banu.uzgur@turkcell.com.tr
ots Originaltext: Turkcell
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