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Turkcell's "People Without Boundaries" Initiative in Action

Geschrieben am 14-05-2012

Istanbul, Turkey (ots/PRNewswire) -

Turkcell , the leading communications and technology company in
Turkey, has united all of its services and projects aimed at
facilitating the lives of disabled citizens' and their participation
in daily life under the "People Without Boundaries" roof in line with
its vision of using technology to provide equal opportunities to all
segments of society. Turkcell's services without boundaries are
categorized under 'employment', 'technological solutions', and
'social responsibility projects'.

Having introduced services for the disabled organized for the
Week of the Disabled (May 10-16) at a press conference, Turkcell
Chief Corporate Affairs Officer Koray Ozturkler commented that "In
fact, obstacles exist only in the mind. We witness our disabled
citizens achieving great success if only given an equal opportunity.
Today, the possibilities that mobile communication technologies offer
remove many obstacles for the disabled in employment, the accessing
of information, and participation in social life. We are bringing
forward their talents, aiming to increase their involvement in
society, while making them feel included. We not only meet their
business and communication related needs, but also carry out projects
taking their social lives into consideration."

Having employed 500 disabled people in its group companies and
offered various solutions for the disabled such as "support packages"
that include discounts, highly advantageous tariffs, SMS, and
Internet, as well as voiced bill and video call center, all free of
charge; among many others, Turkcell is working on the homeagent
(home-office call center customer representative service) project in
Karaman and Van-Ercis, where half of its employees are disabled.
Turkcell is also preparing to offer a service, namely "Turkcell Dream
Partner" in collaboration with the Young Guru Academy (YGA) that will
enable visually impaired people to listen to 4,000 audio books in the
National Library of Turkey and 10,000 audio books in YGA's own

Turkcell is also providing disabled citizens the opportunity of
greater involvement in social life through its social responsibility
projects. Young people studying at schools for the Visually Impaired
in Tokat, Denizli, and ?zmir, are being provided access to
cycling-related sports for the visually impaired initiated by
Turkcell in a first for Turkey within the context of the "Runners to
the Future" project. The target is for these athletes to represent
Turkey at the London Paralympics Olympics in August.


Turkcell is the leading communications and technology company in
Turkey, with 34.5 million subscribers and a market share of
approximately 53% based on December 31, 2011 results (since the
Authority has not disclosed subscriber market shares for Q1 2012).
Turkcell is a leading regional player, with market leadership in five
of the nine countries in which it operates with its approximately
65.3 million subscribers as of March 31, 2012. The company covers
approximately 88% of the Turkish population through its 3G and 99.13%
through its 2G technology supported network. It has become one of the
first among the global operators to have implemented HSDPA+ and
achieved a 43.2 Mbps speed using the HSPA multi carrier solution.
Turkcell reported a TRY2.4 billion (US$1.3 billion) net revenue with
total assets of TRY17.2 billion (US$9.7 billion) as of March 31,
2012. It has been listed on the NYSE and the ISE since July 2000, and
is the only NYSE-listed company in Turkey.

For further information please contact Turkcell
Nihat Narin
Division Head of Investor and International
Media Relations
Tel: +90-212-313-1244
Banu Uzgur
International Media Relations Manager
Tel: +90-212-313-1506

You can now follow the most up-to-date Turkcell developments on
twitter by clicking on the link below.

ots Originaltext: Turkcell
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