Jan Van Ruymbeke to become new CEO of Daiichi Sankyo Europe / The Belgian executive will replace Reinhard Bauer in October
Geschrieben am 09-07-2012 |
Munich (ots) - Jan Van Ruymbeke, 53, will become the new Chief
Executive Officer of Daiichi Sankyo Europe this autumn. The native
of Belgium will replace Reinhard Bauer, who is retiring after 10
years in this position. Van Ruymbeke will assume responsibility for
the pharmaceutical company in October. Until the end of June, he had
been the Executive Vice President at Grünenthal who oversaw the
company's business in Latin America.
After studying medicine at the Catholic University of Leuven, he
worked for several years as a general practitioner and a medical
consultant. He then began his pharmaceutical career. Initially, he
worked for Cilag Belgien before accepting a position with Janssen
Pharmaceutical, where he directed the indication areas for infectious
diseases and dermatology. In 1996, he became General Manager of
Janssen-Cilag Hungary. Four years later, he assumed the position of
Executive Director Pharma & Country President at Novartis South
In 2005, Van Ruymbeke joined Grünenthal, where he served as Head
of Global Brand Management. Two years later, he was appointed
Managing Director of the German pharmaceutical company's Spanish
subsidiary. He later became the Managing Director responsible for
Spain and Portugal. In July 2010, he was named Executive Vice
President of the Latin America strategic business unit. As part of
these responsibilities, he joined the Group Operating Committee at
Grünenthal Group.
"We are really pleased that we were able to hire Jan Van Ruymbeke
to be the next CEO of Daiichi Sankyo Europe," the outgoing CEO Bauer
said. "He has an excellent understanding of the pharmaceutical
industry. Thanks to his extensive experience in many countries, he is
the ideal candidate to lead Daiichi Sankyo Europe's internationally
focused business." Van Ruymbeke is married and has three children.
His hobbies include reading, travelling and tennis.
About Daiichi Sankyo
The Daiichi Sankyo Group is dedicated to the creation and supply
of innovative pharmaceutical products to address the diversified,
unmet medical needs of patients in both mature and emerging markets.
While maintaining its portfolio of marketed pharmaceuticals for
hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and bacterial infections, the Group is
engaged in the development of treatments for thrombotic disorders and
focused on the discovery of novel oncology and
cardiovascular-metabolic therapies. Furthermore, the Daiichi Sankyo
Group has created a "Hybrid Business Model", which will respond to
market and customer diversity and optimize growth opportunities
across the value chain.
The company's world headquarters are in Tokyo. Its European base
is located in Munich. Daiichi Sankyo Europe has affiliates in 12
European countries in addition to a global manufacturing site located
in Pfaffenhofen, Germany.
For more information, please visit: www.daiichisankyo.com or
Forward-looking statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements and
information about future developments in the sector, and the legal
and business conditions of Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH. Such
forward-looking statements are uncertain and are subject at all times
to the risks of change, particularly to the usual risks faced by a
global pharmaceutical company, inclu¬ding the impact of the prices
for products and raw materials, medication safety, changes in
exchange rates, government regulations, employee relations, taxes,
political instability and terrorism as well as the results of
independent demands and governmental inquiries that affect the
affairs of the company. All forward-looking statements contained in
this release hold true as of the date of publication. They do not
represent any guarantee of future performance. Actual events and
developments could differ materially from the forward-looking
statements that are explicitly expressed or implied in these
statements. Daiichi Sankyo Europe GmbH assumes no responsibility for
the updating of such forward-looking statements about future
developments of the sector, legal and business conditions and the
Dr. Thomas Portz
Head of Corporate Communications and Public Affairs
Tel. +49 89 7808468
Mobil: +49 172 8415904
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