EANS-News: asknet AG / The experts know: asknet offers tips on international
affiliate marketing
Geschrieben am 18-03-2013 |
Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.
Subtitle: The Karlsruhe-based e-commerce specialist appears at
Affiliate TactixX in Munich
Karlsruhe, San Francisco, Tokyo (euro adhoc) - Karlsruhe, 18 March
2013 - asknet AG will share its affiliate marketing expertise and
provide case study examples at Affiliate TactixX in Munich. Visitors
will have the opportunity to learn all of the tips and tricks for
successful international affiliate marketing from asknet's industry
experts via one-on-one conversations, demo applications and white
International expertise The Karlsruhe-based company has been working
in partnership with Commission Junction, an international market
leader in the field of affiliate marketing, since 2005. As well,
asknet has collaborated with well-known marketing partners, including
TradeDoubler, the leading affiliate provider in Europe. asknet
manages the company's international affiliate marketing programme for
a number of highly-regarded software producers.
First-hand experience "Our years of experience give us deep knowledge
of affiliate marketing. Our skilled team is proficient at matching
goals and objectives with the appropriate local and international
affiliate programs and developing individual campaigns within these
programs," says Christian Herkel, asknet's VP Global Accounts. At
the event his team will be available to discuss potential obstacles
and how to avoid them, for example the constant changes to programme
"It is very important for businesses to understand how to generate
sales using the internet, but the channel is very dynamic," explains
Katja Speck, the author of "How to Be Successful in International
Affiliate Marketing" and asknet e-commerce specialist. "Using our
depth of experience, this white paper shares insight into
establishing an affiliate program and developing it in a way that
meets changing requirements without missing any opportunities."
Affiliate TactixX Affiliate TactixX is organised by Vogel Verlag and
takes place from 19 to 20 March 2013 at the International Congress
Centre in Munich. As in previous years, Germany's biggest affiliate
marketing conference will offer a diverse mix of presentations,
intensive workshops and networking opportunities.
About asknet asknet offers its clients customized outsourcing
solutions for global e-commerce via the Internet. Founded in 1995 as
a spin-off of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT, formerly
the University of Karlsruhe), the company has become a leading
independent global provider for electronic software distribution. In
addition to its fully integrated shop solutions for software
publishers, the company develops and maintains portals for software
distribution and supplies software products to around 80% of German
universities. In 2011, asknet recorded sales of approximately EUR
65.4 million. asknet's clients include numerous providers of
specialty software such as ABBYY, CyberLink, F-Secure, Nero,
NetObjects, Norman, and Panda Security.
Further inquiry note:
Katja Speck
VP Marketing, Sales & Business Development
Tel.: +49 (0)721 96 458-6369
E-Mail: katja.speck@asknet.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
company: asknet AG
Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 3
D-76131 Karlsruhe
phone: +49 (0)721 96 458 6369
FAX: +49 (0)721-96 45899
mail: info@asknet.de
WWW: http://www.asknet.de
sector: Electronic Commerce
ISIN: DE0005173306
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart, Open Market /
Entry Standard: Frankfurt
language: English
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