DGAP-Adhoc: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft acquires a 75.1% stake in Wizard Promotions
Geschrieben am 18-06-2013 |
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft / Key word(s):
Acquisition/Capital Increase
18.06.2013 08:56
Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted
by DGAP - a company of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Ad hoc disclosure in accordance with §15 WpHG (Securities Trading Act)
DEAG acquires a 75.1% stake in Wizard Promotions
- Boosting of tours by international superstars
- Consistent strengthening of the content base and stepping-up of added
- Founder and Managing Directors of Wizard Promotions with a continuing
long-term commitment to the company
- Financing by combined increase in cash and capital in kind
- Positive impact on sales revenues and earnings per share of DEAG
Berlin, June 18, 2013 - DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG (ISIN DE000A0Z23G6)
takes over 75.1% of the shares in Wizard Promotions Konzertagentur GmbH,
Frankfurt am Main. This means that one of the most significant
international tour promoters in Germany will in future be part of the DEAG
Group. During the past year Wizard Promotions was awarded, amongst other
things, with the Live Entertainment Award (LEA) for the tour with Lady
Gaga; and has a bulging concert pipeline for the current year with global
megastars such as Neil Young, KISS, Iron Maiden, Zucchero and Foreigner.
The portfolio of artists also includes Ozzy Osbourne, 3 Doors Down, Tiemo
Hauer and Jamie Cullum.
Through this acquisition DEAG secures permanent access to additional, high
value content in the concert area and continues to strengthen its value
chain. In future, the regional promoters of DEAG, Global Concerts, River
Concerts, Manfred Hertlein, handwerker promotion and concert concept, will
organize the concerts of Wizard Promotions as preferred partners in their
regions. Furthermore, Wizard Promotions will be included directly into the
distribution co-operation with Ticketmaster Germany. Additional potentials
will be tapped through the integration of Wizard Promotions which works
already on a profitable basis with a double-digit million Euro sales
revenue number on a stand-alone basis.
The takeover is based on the acquisition of shares in Wizard Promotions
from DAP Management GmbH, European Concert Agency AG and Ossy Hoppe. The
purchase is financed by the partial utilization of the authorized capital
of DEAG by way of a combined increase in cash and capital in kind by 10% of
the share capital, to the exclusion of the subscription right of existing
shareholders. This leads to 1,238,898 new shares at EUR 3.25 which have
been fully placed with existing shareholders. The share capital of the
company increases to EUR 13,627,881. As a result, DAP Management of Günter
Reimann-Dubbers will have a stake of little more than 3% in DEAG. The
European Concert Agency becomes a DEAG shareholder, too. Lockup periods
have been agreed with the sellers concerning the newly acquired shares in
DEAG. The cash inflow above the purchase price will strengthen the capital
base and free liquidity. The Executive Board assumes that the earnings per
share of DEAG will be directly impacted in a positive way as a result of
the acquisition.
The founder and Managing Director of Wizard Promotions, Ossy Hoppe and
Co-Managing Director Oliver Hoppe keep their shares in the company and will
make a major contribution towards the stepping-up of the development of
Wizard Promotions based on long-term contracts as managing directors and
exclusive advisors, respectively.
DEAG Deutsche Entertainment AG
The Executive Board
For further information please contact:
Axel Muehlhaus
edicto GmbH
Eschersheimer Landstr.42
60322 Frankfurt/M
Tel: +49-69-90 550 552
Fax: +49-69-90 550 577
Email: deag@edicto.de
Language: English
Company: DEAG Deutsche Entertainment Aktiengesellschaft
Potsdamer Straße 58
10785 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-810 75-0
Fax: +49-30-810 75-519
E-mail: deag@edicto.de
Internet: www.deag.de
ISIN: DE000A0Z23G6
Listed: Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, München, Stuttgart
End of Announcement DGAP News-Service
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