
Dassault Aviation Unveils Falcon 5X, New Advanced-Technology, Long-Range Business Jet

Geschrieben am 22-10-2013

Las Vegas (ots/PRNewswire) -

New aircraft embodies advances in design, flight control
technology and fuel


Dassault Aviation today unveiled its biggest and most advanced
Falcon jet. The Falcon 5X is a new-generation business jet with new a
flight control system, new aerodynamics and other advanced
technologies, many pioneered in Dassault's military programs.

To view the multimedia news release, please click:


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120925/564526-a )

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131022/647153 )

"The Falcon 5X is the new benchmark for the creative use of
advanced technology in business aviation," said Eric Trappier,
Chairman and CEO of Dassault Aviation. "Using design and
manufacturing software and systems pioneered by Dassault, we have
been able to build a larger, more comfortable and more capable
aircraft that is also more environmentally friendly and much more
economical to operate compared to other airplanes in its class."

"The Falcon 5X represents our biggest investment since the
beginning of the Falcon programs," said Trappier. "It demonstrates
our commitment to maintaining the technology leadership that we have
displayed in this market since our first business jet flew fifty
years ago."

Unveiled in Las Vegas at the National Business Aviation
Association's annual convention, the company hailed the Falcon 5X as
an industry breakthrough, offering the largest cabin cross section of
any purpose-built business jet and fuel efficiency as much as 50
percent better than competing aircraft.

The Falcon 5X represents an important addition to the Falcon
product line, expanding its offering in the large-cabin segment. The
new jet has a cabin height of six feet, six inches (1.98 m), an
important consideration for passenger comfort on flights of 10 or 11
hours' duration. The 16-passenger aircraft has a range of 5,200
nautical miles (9,630 km), connecting Los Angeles with London, Sao
Paulo with Chicago, Johannesburg with Geneva or Paris with Beijing.

Functionality and modern style blend in the cabin. The company
conducted extensive research into new cabin technology and styling
techniques that will greatly enhance passengers' sense of
spaciousness and comfort.

The new aircraft's digital flight control system represents a
major advance in making aircraft control more precise, easier and
safer. The system integrates all moving control surfaces for the
first time, including an additional control surface called a
'flaperon', that allows steep approaches at slow and safe speeds. It
also integrates nose wheel steering for safer runway handling in
strong crosswind conditions and on wet or slick runways. Dassault
Aviation is a leader in digital flight control technology having
pioneered it on fighters four decades ago and having introduced the
first business jet with digital flight controls, the Falcon 7X, in

Honeywell will provide the 5X with a new generation of the Falcon
series' EASy all-digital cockpit, as well as its most advanced radar,
capable of detecting turbulence at greater distances than current

The cockpit will feature the industry's most advanced "head-up
display" technology, provided by Elbit Systems. The new HUD will
combine "enhanced vision" and "synthetic vision" for unsurpassed
situational awareness, even in total darkness, fog or dense haze.
Enhanced vision uses infrared sensors to display terrain in darkness
and reduced visibility. Synthetic vision uses a global terrain
database for the same purpose. In the 5X, they will be combined for
the first time on the head-up display providing a high fidelity view
of the outside world even when actual visibility is zero.

The aircraft will be powered by new-generation Silvercrest engines
from Safran Snecma, the French-based engine maker and 50-percent
partner with General Electric in CFM, which builds the world's best
selling jet engine, the CFM56.

"The Silvercrest engine is 15 percent more fuel efficient than
other engines in its power class; Emissions are dramatically lower
than current standards, and the engine is remarkably quiet," said
Trappier. Dassault Aviation and Snecma worked closely to marry the
aircraft and the engine for optimum efficiency and performance. The
companies have a long history of close collaboration, Trappier noted.
Snecma provides the M88 engines for the supersonic Rafale fighter.

Both aircraft and engines will have the industry's most advanced
real-time self-diagnosis onboard maintenance system. These
computerized monitoring systems report service issues immediately to
ground-based service hubs, so maintenance teams can begin to respond
while the aircraft is still in the air. Snecma's ForeVision(TM)
health monitoring system, which equips the Silvercrest, can forecast
when maintenance will be required several flights or even hundreds of
flight hours in advance, making scheduling easier and ensuring
availability of the aircraft when it is needed.

Falcon 5X airframe structures are already in production at several
Dassault sites in France and at suppliers' plants. New, more
automated manufacturing technologies and streamlined production
processes will reduce parts count and aircraft weight, and speed the
assembly process.

To be priced at about $45 million in 2013 dollars, the Falcon 5X
is expected to make its first flight in the first quarter of 2015 and
to achieve certification before the end of 2016.

Note for the Editors

Dassault Falcon is the recognized global brand for Dassault
business jets which are designed, manufactured and supported by
Dassault Aviation and Dassault Falcon Jet Corp.

About Dassault Aviation

Dassault Aviation is a leading aerospace company with a presence
in over 80 countries across five continents. It produces the Rafale
fighter jet as well as the complete line of Falcon. The company
employs a workforce of over 11,000 and has assembly and production
plants in both France and the United States and service facilities
around the globe. Since the rollout of the first Falcon 20 in 1963,
over 2,250 Falcon jets have been delivered. The family of Falcon jets
currently in production includes the tri-jets-the Falcon 900LX and
the 7X-as well as the twin-engine 2000LXS and Falcon 2000S.

About Dassault Falcon Jet

Dassault Falcon Jet Corp., is a wholly owned U.S. subsidiary of
Dassault Aviation, France. Dassault Falcon Jet markets and supports
the Falcon family of business jets throughout North America, South
America and the Pacific Rim countries of Asia, including the People's
Republic of China.

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Hi Res Photos at: falconphotogallery.com

Press Contacts

Dassault Aviation (Saint-Cloud, France)
Vadim Feldzer Tel. +33-1-47-11-44-13
Marie-Alexandrine Fouillard Tel. +33-1-47-11-64-23

Dassault Falcon Jet (Teterboro Airport, USA)
Andrew Ponzoni Tel. +1-201-541-45-88
Grant Kielczewski Tel. +1-201-541-46-79




ots Originaltext: Dassault Aviation
Im Internet recherchierbar: http://www.presseportal.de


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