EANS-Adhoc: UNIQA Insurance Group AG / Earnings figures for the third quarter
Earnings and premiums further increased
Geschrieben am 14-11-2013 |
ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
other/9-month report
Earnings figures for the third quarter 2013:
Earnings and premiums further increased
· Premiums written increased by 8.2 per cent to 4,447.3 million euros
· Combined ratio improves from 101.0 per cent to 98.8 per cent ·
Profit on ordinary activities growth of 74.7 per cent to 266.3
million euros · Consolidated net profit up 124.4 per cent to 209.7
million euros · Anticipated profit from ordinary activities of around
300 million euros for 2013 as a whole - excluding one-off effects
In the first nine months of 2013, the UNIQA Group (UNIQA) increased
its profit on ordinary activities (EBT) by 74.7 per cent to 266.3
million euros (1 - 9/ 2012: 152.4 million euros). This figure
includes the profit from the sale of hotel holdings amounting to 51.6
million euros. Consolidated net profit (after taxes and minority
interests) increased by 139.5 per cent to 223.8 million euros (1 -
9/2012: 93.5 million euros).
Premiums written including the savings portion of unit- and
index-linked life insurance increased by 8.2 per cent to 4,447.3
million euros (1 - 9/2012: 4,112.1 million euros). The Group cost
ratio after reinsurance fell to 23.1 per cent (1 - 9/2012: 24.8 per
cent). The combined ratio in property and casualty insurance after
reinsurance improved to 98.8 per cent (1 - 9/2012: 101.0 per cent.
The adjustedreturn on equity (ROE) after taxes and minority interests
amounted to 12.6 per cent (1 - 9/2012: 9.8 per cent).
Based on current assessments, UNIQA Group anticipates a profit from
ordinary activities of around EUR 300 million for 2013 as a whole,
not including non- recurring items such as the sale of the hotel
holding. This assumes that there will be no significant setbacks on
the capital markets in the remaining weeks of the year and that no
extraordinary losses will occur as a result of natural disasters.
Key data for the third quarter of 2013
1-9/2013 1-9/2012 Change in %
Figures in EUR million
unless otherwise stated
Premiums written
including the savings
portion from unit- and
index-linked life
insurance 4,447.3 4,112.1 +8.2
of which property
and casualty
insurance 2,007.7 1,947.3 +3.1
of which health
insurance 705.3 680.1 +3.7
of which life
insurance 1,734.2 1,484.7 +16.8
of which recurring
premiums 1,241.2 1,139.2 +8.9
of which single
premiums 493.1 344.7 +43.0
Premiums earned
including the savings
portion from unit- and
index-linked life
insurance 4,201.3 3,847.0 +9.2
Retained insurance
benefits -2,960.1 -2,839.1 +4.3
Operating expenses1) -968.9 -953.4 +1.6
Cost ratio (after
reinsurance) 23.1% 24.8% -
Combined ratio (after
reinsurance) 98.8% 101.0% -
Net investment income 561.8 621.3 -9,6
Operating profit 287.6 175.9 +63.5
Profit on ordinary
activities 266.3 152.4 +74.7
Net profit for the
period 213.1 131.6 +61.9
net profit 209.7 93.5 +124.4
Earnings per share 0,98 0,60 +64,5
Return on equity (ROE)
after taxes and non-
controlling interests
(adjusted) 12.6% 9.8% -
Investments(2) 26,883.2 26,307.6(3) +2.2
Total equity including
interests 1,990.1 2,017.6(3) -1.4
1) Incl. reinsurance commissions and profit shares from reinsurance
business ceded. 2) Incl. owner-occupied land and buildings,
investment property, shares in associates, unit- and index-linked
life insurance investments and cash and cash equivalents. 3)Figures
as at 31 December 2012
Clause regarding predictions about the future: This notification
contains statements which refer to the future development of the
UNIQA Group. These statements present estimations which were reached
upon the basis of all of the information available to us at the
present time. If the assumptions on which they are based do not
occur, the actual events may vary from the results currently
expected. As a result, no guarantee can be provided for the
information given.
Further inquiry note:
UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Norbert Heller
Tel.: +43 (01) 211 75-3414
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: UNIQA Insurance Group AG
Untere Donaustraße 21
A-1029 Wien
phone: 01/211 75-0
mail: investor.relations@uniqa.at
WWW: http://www.uniqagroup.com
sector: Insurance
ISIN: AT0000821103
indexes: WBI, ATX Prime
stockmarkets: official market: Wien
language: English
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