New Hope for Organ Transplant Patients
Geschrieben am 24-03-2014 |
Chertsey, England (ots/PRNewswire) -
A recent study supported by an Astellas European Foundation Grant
has identified potential therapeutic targets for transplantation
treatment research. The study, carried out by Dr Nuria Lloberas,
examined whether changing specific proteins in the body leads to a
reduction in the immuno-inflammatory response thus lowering the risk
of organ rejection.
Dr Lloberas, from Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, Barcelona,
received the Astellas European Foundation Transplantation Grant in
2007 to support her research culminating in her findings, 'Dendritic
cells (DC) phenotype fitting under hypoxia or LPS. ABC transporters
far beyond an efflux pump' appeared in Clinical and Experimental
Immunology Journal.[1] The study focused on ABC transporters to see
whether they are essential in the development of maturing immune
cells in an oxygen-deprived microenvironment. The modulation of these
maturing cells through ABC transporters could be a potential target
to reduce immuno-inflammatory responses in organ transplantation.
Dr Lloberas said, "As DC are the most potent Antigen-Presenting
Cells (APC) of the immune system, it is crucial to know the
underlying mechanisms in their activation. Furthermore, their ability
to change their phenotype and function depending on their stage of
maturation is an interesting target in immune system modulation
towards tolerance in solid organs transplant. The first goal of our
work was to study the contribution of ABC molecules in DC maturation
and, in a second step, we are studying whether ABC transporter
proteins under different immunosuppressive therapies are able to
modify DC maturation states and potentially ABC pro-inflammatory
substrates. Our study will provide more information on DC migration
and maturation requirements, considering that ABC molecules
transporters have a potential target in DC-based immunosuppressive
Over 30,000 transplants are performed per year in Europe.[2]
Success in transplantation has occurred through innovations in
surgical and patient care and the development of immunosuppressive
therapies. There is a need to increase the specificity of
immunosuppression in order to improve efficacy and tolerability
profiles. Identifying novel targets for the immune system is an
important step in the development of such specific immunotherapies.
Dr Ayad Abdulahad, Astellas European Foundation Trustee and Senior
Vice President Medical Affairs and Health Economics for Astellas
Pharma Europe Ltd. stated: "I am delighted to see the progress made
by the 2007 Grant winners. The team was selected because its work was
seen to have the potential to identify new routes that researchers
can target. Dr Lloberas and the team's work highlights
ABC-transporters as potential targets in immunosuppressive
The Astellas European Foundation Transplantation Grant for 2014
will be awarded in September. A grant of US$150,000 will be awarded
to the successful research unit or institution. The Grant will be
offered for extensive and meaningful research in the area of
transplantation. "We receive many entries from across Europe for the
Astellas European Foundation Grants. We look forward to receiving
many more entries again for this coming year," said Dr Abdulahad.
Application forms will be available in May of 2014. Please contact or call +44(0)203-379-8039.
1) Lloberas, N. Dendritic cells (DC) phenotype fitting under hypoxia or LPS.
ABC transporters far beyond an efflux pump. Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Journal 2013 Jun;172(3):444-54
2) Matesanz, R. International Figures on Donation and Transplantation 2012,
Council of Europe, European Committee, Vol. 18, No. 1, September 2013
Notes to Editors
About The Astellas European Foundation
The Astellas European Foundation is a registered charity, formed
in 2005, with the long-term goal of providing support for programmes
and activities that contribute to the advancement of an increasingly
healthy society. In line with this aim, the Foundation made
substantial donations to global charities. The Astellas European
Foundation also supports Astellas employees in their private
fundraising efforts for charitable causes. The Astellas European
Foundation is registered with the Charity Commission for England and
Wales, number 1036344.
The Astellas European Foundation was established by funding from
Astellas Pharma Inc, but operates independently of it.
ots Originaltext: Astellas European Foundation
Im Internet recherchierbar:
For further information, please contact: Joe Barker, Astellas
European Foundation Manager, Tel: +44 (0) 203-379 8039 , Email:
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