
Innovative energy concept delivers power and more interior space / Johnson Controls presents advanced battery technology for electric driving

Geschrieben am 18-09-2009

Hanover (ots) -

- Crossreference: Picture is available at following URL:
http://www.presseportal.de/galerie.htx?type=obs -

Johnson Controls, one of the world's leading suppliers of
automotive interior systems, electronics and batteries, is presenting
its re3 concept car at the 2009 IAA (Frankfurt Motor Show) in
Frankfurt and demonstrating how electric driving saves fuel, without
compromising space. The novel packaging of the lithium-ion battery
system of one of the world market leaders of starter batteries allows
room for five people in this concept car, as well as generous storage
space in the trunk.

With its re3 concept car, Johnson Controls is showcasing its
innovative battery technology and novel packaging idea for storing
energy. 96 lithium-ion cells are uniquely packaged between the front
seats in the tunnel console of the vehicle. With more than 7 kWh, the
storage module provides sufficient energy to easily transport
commuters to and from work or allow families to take an extended
shopping trip - without using a single drop of gasoline.

Active cooling of the cells ensures optimal operating conditions.
The cross-system energy management of the re3 ensures even charging
and discharging of the lithium-ion accumulators (cell balancing), a
key requisite for maximum energy efficiency and the long-term
reliability of the storage cells.

Trendsetting packaging concept

Electro-mobility is on the agenda of many nations. Lithium-ion
batteries are at the heart of these vehicles and thus of elementary
importance for electro-mobility acceptance.

However, the huge energy stores often prove to be tricky for many
electric and hybrid vehicles. The feasible energy density, in other
words, the ratio of size to capability of an accumulator, forces car
designers into making compromises - often at the expense of storage
space. The trunk is therefore often used for purposes other than
intended or the entire rear seat bench must give way to battery

The designers at Johnson Controls managed to optimally place the
energy store in the tunnel console of the re3, making the concept car
a true space-saving sensation. The attractive interior design allows
ample room for five adults; three of which can sit comfortably in the
rear of the vehicle. In addition, the re3 also offers adequate trunk
space. But not only is the space of the re3 impressive. The placement
of the battery also has a positive impact on driving characteristics.
The driver benefits from a low center of gravity, facilitated by
installation of the storage modules in the center of the vehicle,
which enhances ride and handling characteristics.

A more detailed version of the press release and digital photos
are available at www.johnsoncontrols.co.uk/press .

About Johnson Controls-Saft

Johnson Controls-Saft is a joint venture that has brought together
Johnson Controls -- the world's leading supplier of automotive
batteries and a company deeply experienced in integrated automotive
systems solutions -- with Saft, an advanced energy storage solutions
provider with extensive Li-ion battery expertise.

About Johnson Controls

Johnson Controls (NYSE: JCI) is the global leader that brings
ingenuity to the places where people live, work and travel. By
integrating technologies, products and services, we create smart
environments that redefine the relationships between people and their
surroundings. Our team of 140,000 employees creates a more
comfortable, safe and sustainable world through our products and
services for more than 200 million vehicles, 12 million homes and one
million commercial buildings. Our commitment to sustainability drives
our environmental stewardship, good corporate citizenship in our
workplaces and communities, and the products and services we provide
to customers. For additional information, please visit:
http://www.johnsoncontrols.com .

About Saft

Saft (Euronext: Saft) is a world specialist in the design and
manufacture of high-tech batteries for industry. Saft batteries are
used in high performance applications, such as industrial
infrastructure and processes, transportation, space and defence. Saft
is the world's leading manufacturer of nickel-cadmium batteries for
industrial applications and of primary lithium batteries for a wide
range of end markets. The group is also the European leader for
specialised advanced technologies for the defence and space
industries. With approximately 4,000 employees worldwide, Saft is
present in 18 countries. Its 15 manufacturing sites and extensive
sales network enable the group to serve its customers worldwide. Saft
is listed in the SBF 120 index on the Paris Stock Market. For more
information, visit Saft at www.saftbatteries.com

Originaltext: Johnson Controls GmbH
digital press kits: http://www.presseportal.de/pm/19526
press kits via RSS: http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_19526.rss2

Further information is available from:

Johnson Controls Power Solutions
5757 N. Green Bay Ave.
Green Bay Ave., Glendale, WI 53209

Rebecca Fitzgerald
Tel.: +1-414-524-2945
Mobile: +1-414-418-4450
E-mail: Rebecca.Fitzgerald@jci.com


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