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Hollywood Heats Up Madrid! Eva Longoria to Host 2010 MTV EMAs

Geschrieben am 07-10-2010

London (ots/PRNewswire) - MTV today announced that
Hollywood superstar Eva Longoria will host the 2010 MTV EMAs, MTV's
global celebration of the world's biggest music and entertainment
stars. Taking place at Caja Magica in Madrid, the 17th annual EMAs
will broadcast live on MTV platforms across the globe from Sunday 7th
November 2010, 21:00 CET.

(Photo: )

The 2010 MTV EMAs are sponsored by the new Suzuki Swift, Calvin
Klein Jeans and Dell.

Powerhouse rock stars Kings of Leon, hot new talent Ke$ha and
American bad ass and global rock heavyweight Kid Rock join the lineup
of performers alongside the previously announced Katy Perry and
Linkin Park. MTV will release additional performers and presenters at
a later date.

"I am so excited to host the 2010 EMAs in the beautiful and sexy
city of Madrid!" said Longoria. "I can't wait to see some fabulous
performances and I am so proud that the two most nominated artists
this year are two amazing women - Lady Gaga and Katy Perry - who are
making some of the most exciting music in pop right now!"

"Madrid, watch out," added Ke$ha. "I'm coming to party and I
promise it will be messy."

Actress, activist, and philanthropist Eva Longoria brings
Hollywood glamour to what promises to be a star-studded night in
Madrid. Following in the very glittering footsteps of Katy Perry,
Christina Aguilera, Justin Timberlake and Robbie Williams to name a
few, the actress will bring Latina heat to the already sizzling
Spanish city of Madrid - the backdrop of this year's 2010 MTV EMAs.

Eva Longoria is a Golden Globe-nominated, Screen Actors Guild
Award-winning, and ALMA Award-winning actress, best known for her
portrayal of Gabrielle Solis on primetime US network show Desperate

To vote for your favourite EMA artists, please go to

For all MTV EMA news and announcements join us on Facebook at: and follow us on Twitter at: @mtvema

Visit: for exclusive artwork, press
information and biogs for artists and performers.

Notes to Editors

About the MTV EMAs

The EMAs, MTV Networks International's global awards ceremony,
celebrate the best in music, youth culture and entertainment. The
annual event, now in its 17th year, broadcasts on MTV entertainment
platforms around the world reaching more than 600 million households.
The show is hosted in a different city each year, taking the culture
and ethos of each destination to a world-wide audience. Renowned for
attracting global A-list talent from across the music and
entertainment spectrum, the MTV EMAs draws nominees, performers and
presenters from every corner of the world, delivering groundbreaking
and unforgettable performances - from the first ever holographic
performance with Gorillaz in Lisbon in 2005, to Beyonce's infamous
'Ring of Fire' performance in Edinburgh in 2002 and Tokio Hotel's
'Wet Monsoon' set in Munich in 2007.

More About Eva Longoria:

Entrepreneur, actress, producer, and philanthropist, "Desperate
Housewives" star Eva Longoria is the founder of Eva's Heroes, as well
as national spokesperson for Padres Contra el Cancer. The face for
L'Oreal, Longoria is an executive producer and host for the National
Council of La Raza ALMA Awards, and is producing her first
documentary HARVEST. Longoria is involved with the United Farm
Workers, the Dolores Huerta Foundation, the Mexican American Legal
Defense and Education Fund, and Speaker Pelosi selected her for the
National Museum of the American Latino Commission. Longoria owns BESO
restaurants, her own production company, UnbeliEVAble Productions,
and an eco-friendly development firm, The GreenVille Project, her own
fragrance, "Eva, by Eva Longoria," and a cookbook Eva's Kitchen which
comes out next spring.

Longoria was also named "Philanthropist of the Year" by The
Hollywood Reporter in 2009.

EMA Voting Notes:

Vote for Best Regional Act at Voting closes
Monday 18th October and the winner from each region will enter the
shortlist for Best European Act, also through

Winner of Best European Act, Best Push Act and Best World Stage
Performance will be announced online at during
the 2010 MTV EMAs on Sunday 7th November 2010.

Show Credits:

The 2010 MTV EMAs is executive produced by Richard Godfrey and
Jane Fraser. Co-executive producer is Bruce Gillmer with Debbie
Philips as producer, Raffaele Sangiovanni as executive in charge of
production, line producer Sil Mcllveen and director Paul Shyvers. The
2010 MTV EMAs is an MTV Italia S.r.l - 360 degrees Playmaker
rights reserved.

About MTV Networks International:

MTV Networks International (MTVNI) includes the premier
multimedia entertainment brands MTV, VH1, Nickelodeon, MTVNHD, Tr3s:
MTV, Musica y Mas, TMF (The Music Factory), VIVA, Comedy Central and
Game One. MTV Networks' brands are seen globally in 645 million
households in 161 territories and 34 languages via 165 locally
programmed and operated TV channels and more than 500 digital media
properties. The company's diverse holdings also include interests in
television syndication, digital media, publishing, home video,
licensing & merchandising and feature films. MTV Networks
International is a unit of Viacom Inc. .

About Suzuki:

The Suzuki Motor Corporation with headquarters in Hamamatsu
(Japan) is the leading international manufacturer of small
automobiles and the 10th largest car manufacturer of the world.
Founded in 1909, Suzuki today employs about 51,500 people around the
world and has business activities in 196 countries and regions and
production bases in 23 different countries and regions. In the fiscal
year 2009/10 Suzuki posted 2.47 trillion Yen (18.8 billion Euro*) net
sales and 79.4 billion Yen (605.03 million Euro*) operating income.
Its global sales reached 2.35 million automobiles and 3.02 million
motorcycles and ATV. With its three lines of business - automobiles,
motorcycles and outboard motors - Suzuki embodies a unique "Way of
Life!" that stands for the brand values "excitement",
"straightforward", "value", "sporty" and "spirit".

(* Exchange rate: 131.18 Yen/Euro)

About Calvin Klein, Inc:

Calvin Klein, Inc. is one of the leading fashion design and
marketing studios in the world. It designs and markets women's and
men's designer collection apparel and a range of other products that
are manufactured and marketed through an extensive network of
licensing agreements and other arrangements worldwide.
Brands/lifestyles include Calvin Klein Collection, ck Calvin Klein,
Calvin Klein, Calvin Klein Jeans, and Calvin Klein Underwear. Product
lines under the various Calvin Klein brands include apparel,
accessories, shoes, sleepwear, hosiery, socks, swimwear, belts,
eyewear, watches, jewelry, coats, suits, fragrances, and cosmetics,
as well as products for the home. For more information, visit

About Dell:

Dell Inc. listens to customers and delivers worldwide innovative
technology, business solutions and services they trust and value. For
more information, visit

ots Originaltext: MTVNI Corporate Communications
Im Internet recherchierbar:

CONTACT: Kate Laverge, MTVNI (UK), T: +44-(0)207-284-6144,; Bernadette Simpao, MTVNI (NYC), T:


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