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EANS-News: Derby Cycle boosts operating profit by 45% in the first nine months of 2010/2011

Geschrieben am 29-08-2011

Corporate news transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer/originator is solely
responsible for the content of this announcement.

9-month report

Subtitle: Revenue of EUR 198.8 million (+38% year-on-year) /
Operating profit (EBIT) up 45% to EUR 19.1 million / Electric bike
sales almost double year-on-year to 73,000 units / Derby Cycle drives
ahead with internationalisation: direct sales in the UK, Australia,
and now also Denmark

Cloppenburg (euro adhoc) - Monday, August 29, 2011 - Derby Cycle AG
(ISIN DE000A1H6HN1, WKN A1H6HN), Germany's largest bicycle
manufacturer in terms of sales, has today published its financial
report for the first nine months of the 2010/2011 financial year.

The company reports marked revenue growth of 38% to EUR 198.8 million
in the reporting period, compared with EUR 144.1 million in the first
nine months of fiscal year 2009/10. Even stronger gains were reported
in terms of operating profit (EBIT), which was up by around 45% over
the same period to reach EUR 19.1 million (previous-year period: EUR
13.1 million). This generated a 9.6% EBIT margin in the first nine
months of 2010/2011, compared with 9.1% in the corresponding
prior-year period. Consolidated net income in the reporting period
also rose at a significantly rapid rate of 31.4%, increasing from EUR
8.8 million to EUR 11.6 million. This corresponds to EUR 1.55 of
earnings per share (previous year: EUR 1.18).

Compared with total sales in the electric bikes segment of around
39,000 cycles in the first nine months of the 2009/2010 financial
year, the company had already sold around 73,000 units within the
reporting period (+85.8%). In overall terms, approximately 413,000
bicycles from the Kalkhoff, Raleigh, Rixe, Focus and Univega brands
were sold at Group level. This represents 16.6% growth compared with
the previous year's figure of 354,000 units. The foreign share of
sales increased to 33.2% (previous year: 30.8%) - evidence of the
success of the company's advancing internationalisation. Given this,
the company is confirming its forecast of achieving revenue of
between EUR 220 million and EUR 240 million in the full 2010/11 year,
and an EBIT margin of between 8% and 9%.

Mathias Seidler, Derby Cycle AG's CEO, expressed his satisfaction
with the company's growth: "The April to June 2011 months represented
a further record quarter for our company. The weather supported our
sales correspondingly. We are proving extremely profitable in
pursuing our growth path in this context - with a 9.6% EBIT margin in
the first nine months of 2010/11, we have again exceeded the previous
year's record figure. Our internationalisation, our close
relationships to specialist wholesalers and retailers, and our strong
positioning in the high-growth electric bikes segment continue to
form the basis of our growth path."

Uwe Bögershausen, the company's CFO, went on to add: "We have already
been extremely successful in investing some of the IPO proceeds.
Derby Cycle has entered into a 50/50 joint venture with electro-motor
developer Daum Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH, which is responsible
for the further development of electronic drive systems. Also, we
launched direct sales in Australia in June of this year as part of
its internationalisation. This was followed by the United Kingdom in
mid-July 2011, and direct sales were also recently initiated in
Denmark in August of this year. We continue to retain most of the
issue proceeds for acquisitions, for an international cycle brand,
for example."

The complete financial report for the first nine months of 2010/11
can be downloaded from today from the company's website at, within the "Investor Relations" area.

Company profile: Derby Cycle is Germany's largest bicycle
manufacturer in terms of revenues, and one of the leading
manufacturers in Europe. In particular, global demand growth for
high-quality electric and sports bicycles, as well as the company's
advancing internationalisation in all European volume markets, are
reflected in the company's dynamic growth. Derby Cycle's product
range comprises electric bicycles, sports bicycles for leisure and
competition purposes, as well as comfort bikes for everyday and
travel use. These bicycles are sold through the established Kalkhoff,
Focus, Raleigh, Univega and Rixe brands. All models are developed and
assembled at the company's base in Cloppenburg, Germany. These
high-quality products are distributed through specialist retailers
who provide their customers with professional advice and extensive

With around 550 employees, Derby Cycle achieved revenue of EUR 173
million in the 2009/2010 financial year, 72.6 percent of which was
generated in Germany, and 27.4 percent abroad. Earnings before
interest and tax (EBIT) amounted to approximately EUR 12 million.
Derby Cycle sold a total of around 430,000 bicycles, of which 44,000
comprised e-bikes. As a consequence, Derby Cycle has asserted a
position of clear market leadership in 2010 with a 20 percent market
share. The company forecasts revenues of EUR 220 million to 240
million, and an EBIT margin of 8 to 9 percent (2009/10: 7.0 percent)
for the 2010/11 financial year that ends on September 30, 2011.

Further information is available at:

Further inquiry note:
cometis AG
Unter den Eichen 7
65195 Wiesbaden

Henryk Deter / Tobias Eberle
Telefon: +49 (0)611-20 58 55-25

end of announcement euro adhoc

company: Derby Cycle AG
Siemensstr. 1-3
D-49661 Cloppenburg
phone: +49-4471-966-238
FAX: +49-4471-966-44820
sector: Consumer Goods
stockmarkets: regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt, free trade: Berlin,
Hamburg, Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, München
language: English


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