EANS-Adhoc: ams AG / ams reports first quarter 2015 results ahead of
expectations; expects further sequential growth in second quarter; Annual Report
2014 published
Geschrieben am 27-04-2015 |
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Financial Figures/Balance Sheet/3-month report
Key financial data for the first quarter 2015
Unterpremstaetten, Austria (27 April 2015) - ams (SIX: AMS), a
leading worldwide manufacturer of high performance sensor and analog
solutions, reports first quarter 2015 revenues and profitability
ahead of expectations with year-on-year and quarter-on-quarter growth
in revenues and earnings. For the second quarter 2015, ams expects
further sequential revenue growth together with another improvement
in operating profitability.
First quarter group revenues were EUR 153.3 million, 78% higher than
in the same quarter 2014 and 10% higher quarter-on-quarter. On a
constant currency basis, first quarter revenues were 54% higher
compared to the first quarter last year. Gross margin was 56%,
excluding acquisition-related costs, and 54%, including
acquisition-related costs, unchanged from 56%, excluding
acquisition-related costs, and 54%, including acquisition-related
costs, in the first quarter 2014.
The result from operations (EBIT) excluding acquisition-related costs
for the first quarter reached EUR 42.1 million or 27% of revenues,
compared to EUR 17.9 million in the first quarter 2014. The result
from operations (EBIT) including acquisition-related costs for the
first quarter was EUR 38.2 million or 25% of revenues, compared to
EUR 15.4 million in the same period 2014. The first quarter net
result was EUR 42.2 million compared to EUR 14.7 million in the same
period 2014. Basic/diluted earnings per share were CHF 0.65/0.62 or
EUR 0.62/0.59 based on 68,638,875/ 71,483,195 shares (basic/diluted;
weighted average) compared to CHF 0.26/0.25 or EUR 0.22/0.21 based on
67,737,709/70,889,796 shares (basic/diluted; split-adjusted weighted
average) in the first quarter 2014.
Operating cash flow for the first quarter was EUR 44.3 million, a
substantial increase from EUR 14.3 million in the first quarter 2014.
Total backlog, excluding consignment stock agreements, rose to EUR
150.7 million on March 31, 2015, compared to EUR 131.3 million on
December 31, 2014 and EUR 85.5 million on March 31, 2014.
ams' business showed a strong performance in the first quarter given
continuing high demand in key end markets, the success of major
customers worldwide, particularly in the company's consumer business,
and the strength of ams' product portfolio.
In its consumer and communications business, ams began shipping its
innovative gesture sensor solution into the recently launched next
generation of a high volume global smartphone platform. The
award-winning gesture module combines advanced gesture recognition
with RGB color, proximity sensing and mobile coupon redemption in a
minimized footprint. ams is also adding further Asian smartphone OEMs
to the customer base for its gesture solution. Shipments of the
company's portfolio of intelligent light sensors, power management
and other product lines to major smartphone and device vendors
remained strong in the quarter and supported new device
introductions. In audio, ams' ANC noise cancellation has been
included in a first smartphone bundled headset and the company is
seeing further adoption of its low-power ANC technology for in-box
High volume shipments of ams' patented NFC antenna booster solution
continued in the first quarter driven by high smartphone demand and
providing an important contribution to this quarter's performance.
The solution ensures dependable signal transmission in
space-constrained device environments such as smartphones and
wearables. In these devices, ams' technology enables a compelling
consumer experience for NFC mobile payments. ams also announced a
first consumer application for its gas sensor technology measuring
the concentration of potentially harmful substances in the air. This
market introduction for an innovative customer device underscores the
breadth of ams' consumer sensor technologies.
ams' industrial, medical and automotive businesses also had a good
start into the year recording positive results. Demand in the
company's industrial end-markets continues to be attractive
benefitting its broad range of industrial product lines. ams' high
performance sensors and sensor interfaces manage key tasks in diverse
industrial applications for leading OEMs. In the emerging area of
sensor-based LED lighting control for white light industrial and
workspace applications ams announced the first products in the
quarter. Sensor solutions for digital imaging, which includes
advanced computed tomography (CT), mammography, and ultrasound,
remain the centerpiece of the company's high value medical business.
In its automotive business, ams sees continuing healthy demand for
its sensor and sensor interface solutions in 2015. Advanced driver
assistance systems such as collision avoidance and critical functions
including battery power management harness ams' design expertise and
sensor performance. ams offers higher safety and vehicle reliability
through expanding applications in volume platforms.
ams is nearing completion of the second expansion step for its
internal wafer manufacturing capacity. Together with expansion
investments into its test facility in the Philippines ams is
preparing the company to support a strong pipeline of design-ins and
growth opportunities in the coming years.
In the quarter, ams' U.S subsidiary won a significant first-instance
court verdict in a U.S. IP infringement case involving light sensor
technology and dating back to 2004. As part of the verdict, ams was
awarded significant actual and punitive damages. While the decision
is expected to be appealed ams is confident that it will ultimately
prevail and receive compensation for the damages incurred. This
resounding legal success demonstrates ams' absolute commitment to
vigorously defend its IP against any form of infringement and across
all areas of its business. ams will continue to seek full
compensation for any misappropriation of its IP and pursue claims to
the full extent of the law.
For the second quarter 2015, ams expects another quarter of
sequential and year-on-year revenue growth with revenues of EUR
165-170 million based on currently available information. This growth
is expected to be driven in particular by large Consumer &
Communications ramp-ups for new smartphone models. ams sees very good
profitability continuing in the second quarter and looks for a
further improvement in EBIT margin quarter-on-quarter. ams continues
to expect a strong year-on-year increase in revenues and earnings for
the current year and substantial mid-term growth supported by its
full project pipeline reaching beyond 2016.
The company's first quarter report 2015 including additional
financial information is available on the company website at
http://www.ams.com/eng/Investor/Financial-Reports . Concurrently, ams
has published the Annual Report 2014 which is also available on the
company website at www.ams.com/eng/Investor/Financial-Reports .
About ams
ams is a global leader in the design and manufacture of advanced
sensor solutions and analog ICs. Our mission is to shape the world
with sensor solutions by providing a seamless interface between
humans and technology.
ams' high-performance analog products drive applications requiring
extreme precision, dynamic range, sensitivity, and ultra-low power
consumption. Products include sensors, sensor interfaces, power
management and wireless ICs for consumer, communications, industrial,
medical, and automotive markets.
With headquarters in Austria, ams employs over 1,700 people globally
and serves more than 8,000 custom-ers worldwide. ams is listed on the
SIX Swiss stock exchange (ticker symbol: AMS). More information about
ams can be found at www.ams.com.
Further inquiry note:
Moritz M. Gmeiner
Director Investor Relations
Tel: +43 3136 500-31211
Fax: +43 3136 500-931211
Email: investor@ams.com
end of announcement euro adhoc
issuer: ams AG
Tobelbader Strasse 30
A-8141 Unterpremstaetten
phone: +43 3136 500-0
FAX: +43 3136 500-931211
mail: investor@ams.com
WWW: www.ams.com
sector: Technology
ISIN: AT0000A18XM4
language: English
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